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Martin Mull, Grammy and Emmy Award-nominated actor and comedian, dies at 80

Martin Mull, Grammy and Emmy Award-nominated actor and comedian, dies at 80


Martin Mull, the comic actor best known for his roles in Marie Hartman, Marie Hartman And Roseannedied on Thursday June 27. He was 80 years old. Although Mull never reached the highest ranks of comedic stardom, he had a long and active career and received both a Grammy nomination and a Primetime Emmy nomination.

His daughter, television writer and producer Maggie Mull (The Griffins) shared the news of his passing on Instagram.

He was known for excelling in every creative discipline imaginable and also for directing commercials for Red Roof Inn, she wrote. He would find that joke funny. He was never funny. My father will be greatly missed by his wife and daughter, his friends and colleagues, his fellow artists, comedians and musicians, and in the sign of a truly exceptional person, many, many dogs.

Mull was born in Chicago on August 18, 1943. He moved with his family to North Ridgeville, Ohio, when he was two years old. They lived there until he was 15, when his family moved to New Canaan, Connecticut.

Mull had his first taste of success as a songwriter. He wrote the novelty song A Girl Named Johnny Cash, a response song to Shel Silverstein's A Boy Named Sue, which was a 1969 crossover hit for Johnny CashSinger Jane Morgan recorded Mulls' song and took it to number 61 on BillboardThe Hot Country Songs chart of 1970.

Mull had a minor hit on the Billboard Hot 100 as an artist in 1973, Dueling Tubas, a parody of Dueling Banjos, which was featured in the 1972 film. Deliverance. Eric Weissberg and Steve Mandell's instrumental smash Dueling Banjos spent four weeks at No. 2; The Dueling Tubas reached 92nd place.

Mull also released a series of comedy albums in the '70s. His self-titled debut album, released by Capricorn in 1972, featured such well-known musicians as Ramblin Jack Elliott, Levon Helm of The Band, Keith Spring of NRBQ and Libby Titus.

Two of Mull's comedy albums reached the Billboard 200 I am everyone I have ever loved (1977) and Sex and violins (1978). The latter album received a Grammy nomination for Best Comedy Recording, but lost to Steve Martina resounding success A wild and crazy guy. Mulls' two Billboard 200 albums were released on ABC Records. He also bubbled under the charts with albums released on Capricorn and Elektra.

In the early to mid-1970s, before his acting career really took off, Mull was best known as a musical comedian, performing satirical and humorous songs. He has opened in concert for music stars such as Randy Newman and Sandy Denny, Frank Zappa, Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen.

Mull's breakthrough role was that of Garth Gimble in a Norman Lear soap opera parody in 1976. Marie Hartman, Marie HartmanHe also starred in spin-off talk show parodies Fernwood 2 nights (1977) and America 2 nights (1978). He played talk show host Barth Gimble (Garth's twin brother), opposite Fred Willard.

Mull appeared in 49 episodes of Marie Hartman, Marie Hartmanwhich was a huge cult hit; 44 episodes of Fern 2Night; and 65 episodes of America 2 nights.

Mull appeared in two other long-running television series. He played Roseanne BarrGay boss (and later business partner), Leon Carp, in 46 episodes of his hit sitcom Roseanne (1991-97). His sexual orientation was treated matter-of-factly. This treatment was revolutionary for television at the time, when homosexual characters rarely appeared. Mull also served as a creative consultant for the fourth season of the series and wrote the episode “Tolerate Thy Neighbor.”

He played the curious Principal Kraft in 39 episodes of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1997-2000).

Mull also appeared as a voice actor in several episodes of Family dog, Teamo Supremo, Danny Phenom And American Dad!

Mull received a Primetime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series in 2016 for playing Bob Bradley on HBO. Vice-presidentGiven his long and active career in television, this nomination was long overdue and was most likely awarded in recognition of a lifetime of solid work.

Mull made his film debut in FMa 1978 film about an FM radio station. He plays the libidinous DJ Eric Swan. FM The soundtrack album, featuring many rock stars of the era, peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard 200.

Mull later played Teri Garrs' boss Ron Richardson in 1983's The Last of Us. Mr. Momand Colonel Mustard in the 1985 comedy Hint.

He also starred in a series of commercials for Michelob and Pizza Hut, as well as a series of television and radio spots for Red Roof Inn with his old friend and co-star Fred Willard. (Hence his daughter's affectionate remark above.)

Mull began painting in the 1970s. One of his paintings, titled Drinks after dinner (2008), belongs to Steve Martin. Martin used it as the cover of Love has come for youan album he recorded with Eddie Brickell which received a Grammy nomination for Best Americana Album.

Twice divorced, Mull was married to singer Wendy Haas. Mull died at his home in Los Angeles after what his family described as a courageous battle with a long illness.

This article was originally published by Billboard US




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