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Actor Tommy Vsquez Files Complaint: They Pointed a Gun at Him After Giving His Opinion on Politics

Actor Tommy Vsquez Files Complaint: They Pointed a Gun at Him After Giving His Opinion on Politics


Tommy Vásquez told how he was threatened with death by an acquaintance after a political argument - credit Tommy Vásquez/Instagram
Tommy Vásquez has recounted how he received death threats from an acquaintance after a political argument – credit Tommy Vásquez/Instagram

Bogotá actor Tommy Vsquez, known for participating in productions such as The Lord of the Skies, The Pilot, Esmeraldas, The Toad Cartel 2, Elite Commando and many others, he recounted a disturbing event that happened to him during a visit to a supposed friend, a retired former military man.

According to the actor's statements, The meeting turned violent due to a political argument, which led to a death threat against him and a physical attack on his mother and her partner.

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During one visit, a conversation about politics sparked violence, according to Vásquez, who claims he was attacked by a friend – credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram

The incident occurred on May 24, when Vásquez accepted the invitation of Germán Gaviria, a supposed friend he met through social networks, to visit his farm accompanied by his mother, his wife and his son Matas, with the aim of enjoying his shared passion for horses. In the afternoon, after receiving a riding lesson, the situation became tense after a political debate began.

Tommy Vásquez explained that the conversation revolved around various topics, until politics came up: We started having a bonfire, discussing different topics until the topic of politics came up. He asked me who I voted for and I answered for Gustavo Petrothe actor revealed in the show The Web. This response triggered the fury of Gaviria who, under the influence of alcohol, began shouting and claiming that he was the cousin of former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt.

A meeting at a supposed friend's house turned into moments of terror for Tommy Vásquez and his family - credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram
A meeting at a supposed friend's house turned into moments of terror for Tommy Vásquez and his family – credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram

As Vázquez detailed: When I told him who I voted for, He comes here and hits me. When this happens, I don't like it anymore. Without getting angry, I told him: “Don't touch me, you don't have to come and hit me, drop it because you're already talking about another subject.”

The situation escalated when Gaviria, visibly upset, pulled out a gun and pointed it at the actor's chest, threatening to kill him. He pulls out a gun and puts it to my chest, threatening to end my life. Then he puts it in my head and tells me to repeat what I said to see if I was this macho guy, Vsquez recounted for the aforementioned media outlet.

According to the Bogota man, what started as a friendly encounter ended in a death threat – credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram

The most critical moment came when Vásquez tried to leave the farm with his family: As we went to the door, my mother started begging for my life. This guy turned around and hit her with the handle of his gun. That's when I said kill me. I distracted him, grabbed my mom as best I could, got her out, got Milena out and closed the door, the actor explained.

After these moments of distress, the actor from Bogota had the courage to go to the Subachoque police station to file a complaint, accompanied by the authorities to the attacker's home to clarify the facts and seek answers: in this country nor in any other. On the world side, we can commit suicide because we think differently, he said.

The Lord of Heaven actor reported that an acquaintance pulled a gun on him because of his voting choice - credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram
The Lord of Heaven actor reported that an acquaintance pulled a gun on him because of his voting choice – credit @tommyvasquezactor/Instagram

As a result, the Bogota native made it clear that he would seek justice until the final consequences, insisting that such events should not occur due to political differences. I ask lawyers for advice and they tell me that I should file a complaint (…) for attempted murder, illegal possession of weapons (…) it's because of the trauma my mother has, she is very affected, she could not sleep, I said: Please take care of yourself, if anything happens to you, I will die, this upsets me a lot. I'm not a vindictive person, but this needs to be pointed out.he said on the entertainment show Caracol Television.

Tommy Vsquez is widely recognized for his acting career in productions, but He currently lives in Colombia after spending some time in Mexico City and runs a business. glampingMexican cuisine restaurant and bar.




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