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Madhuri Dixit's name is much bigger than Bollywood hero, Lifestyle News

Madhuri Dixit's name is much bigger than Bollywood hero, Lifestyle News


With a sweet smile etched on her lips, the queen of Bollywood, Madhuri Dixit, is able to grab the attention of many who watch her on the big screen or television.

Madhuri, who just celebrated her 57th birthday on May 15, is considered a versatile actress who can play the role of a vengeful widow or a once-persecuted village girl.

He is considered a courageous actor as he is not afraid to play intimate and friendly scenes with much older Bollywood legends like Vinod Khanna in the film. Dayavan despite the criticism.

In short, this woman born in Bombay, Maharashtra in India, is considered a Bollywood heroine who has a bigger name than her movie heroes and even enjoys a higher income than Salman Khan.


On the occasion of his birthday, page The Indian Express revealing again who Madhuri is in the eyes of many.

In the 1980s and 1990s, his name was on the lips of many Bollywood employees and moviegoers.

In a world of films dominated by male actors, Madhuri is remembered as a female figure and a Bollywood icon who is respected even today with six Filmfare Awards and the National Pride of India Award, the Padma Shri in 2008.

Journalist Amrita Prasad found Madhuri stunning in the 1988 film, Tezaabwhere she plays the role of a young woman named Mohini who bravely fights for love despite poverty.

I was also impressed by the character played by Madhuri, Chandramukhi. Devdas (2002). She broke the wall of stereotypes by combining the characteristics of a woman full of empathy and strength of mind, unlike the character of a rich woman's companion that always featured in old Bollywood films, Amrita explained.

What makes Madhuri so popular is her willingness to take risks and defy expectations.

In 1989, he achieved success with his first blockbuster film, Ram Lakhan, which tells the world of gangsters.

Then, in 1991, Madhuri found herself caught in a love triangle, The receiverin addition to films about the army and corruption, Prague.

Movie buffs also remember Madhuri as a blind dancer in the film. Beta.

This sweet person still touches the hearts of many with his portrayal of a character surrounded by problems but who always manages to emerge from his cocoon of sadness.

He always tries to try something different like in the movie Gang Gulaab in 2014, which also starred Juhi Chawla.

Madhuri is able to play the role of a fierce woman who can destroy her opponents with her kicks.

He never boasted and even accepted the opportunity to collaborate with the then new director Soumik Sen in the low-budget action film.

I chose to succeed Gang Gulaab because I thought I had never managed a Bollywood film where most of the main characters were women?

I think the role given is interesting as it changes the norm in Bollywood films. It was like I was bowling and all the pins were flying through the air. Amusing! shared Madhuri at a press conference Gang Gulaab.

There was a time when his film career collapsed, but he quickly rose thanks to successful films, Dayavan, Tezaab, Tridev, Parinda And Ram Lakhanwhich come alternately.

Nine of his films were successful in 1989 while 10 films were at the top in 1990.

This means that he not only matches his partner's (all men) bold attraction, but also manages to ask for more payment from the publishing side.

In fact, in the movies Beta, Madhuri looked much more striking than the film's hero, Anil Kapoor.

Madhuri's character as a woman who dares to challenge her mother-in-law is the appeal of this film besides the dance scenes to sexy beats, Dhak Dhak.

It was reported that Anil himself felt left out because Madhuri was more adored in the film.

Film trade analyst Arnod Mehra told the site: Caravan, Madhuri's superstar status is evident after a hit teen romance film, Dil, starring Aamir Khan, an actor who failed to show his mettle back then with many dark films.

At that time, many producers and directors were worried. Even male actors were afraid of Madhuri because of the powerful female character she was often given. Women are free-spirited, intelligent and courageous in front of men, Arnod explained.

Madhuri is admired by many, including Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan, who has worked with her in Devdas, my heart has gone mad. And We are yours.

Madhuri is a role model for many Bollywood actresses. His thinking is good, his emotional resilience is strong, and he often believes that what he does is good for the Bollywood film industry.

These characteristics set her apart from other actresses. Madhuri is the one star who often makes me feel that something is still incomplete in me as an actress. He is more famous and talented than me, Shah Rukh shared in an interview with the page Danger of cinema.

Although he took a break for some time to start a family with surgeon Dr Shriram Nene, Madhuri returned to the silver screen with the film. Aaja Nachle in 2007.

He still acts in films or dramas for streaming platforms and is a judge for reality dance competitions.

Madhuri, whose talent was discovered at the age of 17 by director Subhas Ghai, has proven that she can adapt to stay relevant in a rapidly changing film industry.




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