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Newspaper headlines: “The French right humiliates Macron” and England “saved by the bell”

Newspaper headlines: “The French right humiliates Macron” and England “saved by the bell”


Legend, The front pages are dominated by the French elections, as well as images of triumphant English footballers. Emmanuel Macron has been humiliated by the French right, writes the Times, with his party having been “reduced to third place” in the first round of the country's legislative elections. Marine Le Pen's far-right party, the National Rally (RN), “welcomed an unprecedented triumph” on Sunday. The paper also features a speech that British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will give on Monday, he says, to “set the media on fire.” [Nigel] Farage in the battle for undecided voters.
Legend, The Daily Telegraph reports that Mr Macron’s decision to call an early election appears to have “backfired spectacularly”. It quotes National Rally leader Marie Le Pen as saying she “annihilated” Macron, after exit polls suggested her party had won 34% of the vote. Another newspaper says Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will tell voters on Monday that “Putin is hoping for a Labour victory”. The prime minister told the Telegraph that the UK’s support for Ukraine means “Russia doesn’t want us”. [Conservatives] to be re-elected.
Legend, The Financial Times also makes its front page on the early elections in France and affirms that the far right will be “at the heart of the government” if Marine Le Pen wins the second and final round on July 7. The newspaper also reports that in the United States, Democrats “lined up to defend” President Joe Biden, after a poll showed that 72% of registered voters did not think Biden should run for president after his “disastrous” performance in last week’s debate.
Legend, Back in the UK elections, the Guardian's front page features an exclusive interview with Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer, who “vours his party will work to restore confidence in politics” if he wins the election on Thursday. Sir Keir told the newspaper he would end the “'divisive and toxic' culture wars that have beset the country”.
Legend, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is “sending a rallying cry,” writes the Daily Mail, which also previews the speech he will deliver on Monday. The newspaper says Mr Sunak will warn disaffected Conservative voters that they risk “locking in a Labour government” for a generation, and that voters have just “four days to save Britain from a Labour government”.
Legend, Both the Conservatives and Labour are being warned by economists that the UK is heading for “stagnation” after the election, the i newspaper writes. Mr Sunak and Sir Keir “fail to come up with a ‘serious plan’ to grow the UK economy”, the economists told the newspaper.
Legend, “Saved by the bell”, headlines the Sun, accompanied by a full-page photo of Jude Bellingham's equalizing goal in the 95th minute which “brought England back from the dead” at the Euro on Sunday. Thanks to a second goal from captain Harry Kane, England beat Slovakia 2-1.
Legend, The Metro newspaper also gives important attention to England's Euro victory against Slovakia. His article also includes some criticism of the match, calling the victory an “unconvincing performance”.
Legend, The Daily Mirror writes that England suffered “near humiliation” by Slovakia at the Euro. Fans experienced “hell”, says the newspaper. A photo of missing teenager Jay Slater with his mother Debbie is also on the front, as she says she won't give up trying to find her son. It comes after Spanish police announced they were calling off their search.
Legend, Back to football, the Daily Express features a photo of England fans looking tense as they watch the game, with the headline: “Relaxing Sunday? Of course not… you're watching England!”. In politics, Kemi Badenoch said her “heart broke” when the Conservatives told her they were voting for Reform UK.
Legend, “Yaaay Jude!” wrote the Daily Star, praising the 21-year-old for rescuing England's Euro hopes on Sunday with a last-minute goal.

It's time to take a look at the newspapers: England's last-minute victory over Slovakia at the Euro and the success of the National Rally in France are on the front pages of most newspapers.

Marine Le Pen's comments that her party had “virtually wiped out” Emmanuel Macron are The Daily Telegraph's front page headlineThe newspaper claims that the election was seen as a referendum on Mr Macron's leadership, and that a National Rally victory would create untold headaches for him.

“The French right humiliates Macron” is The Times headlineThe newspaper claims that the National Rally hopes to lead France during the Paris Olympics.

Sir Keir Starmer tells the Guardian that if Labour wins the British election on Thursday, it will have to prevent the rise of the populist right by urgently restoring trust in British politics – as he put it “through deeds, not words”. He promises to maintain high standards among his ministers, and even the most senior officials will be sacked for serious failings.

In an interview with the Telegraph, Rishi Sunak claims Vladimir Putin is hoping for a Labour victory. The prime minister claims the Russian leader does not want the Conservatives to be re-elected because of their support for Ukraine. Mr Sunak also claims Labour would cut defence spending “from day one”.

According to the Times, the Prime Minister is expected to attack Nigel Farage in a speech later today, mocking his ambition to become leader of the opposition. He will say that “the Reformers will not win enough seats to oppose the Labor Party”.

In an article published in the Daily Mail, Neil Barnett, an expert on Russian disinformation campaigns, claims that Moscow is trying to disrupt the general election by flooding social media with distortions and lies. He says that a report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that Russian propagandists are using a number of Facebook pages to drum up support for Farage's Reform UK party is just the tip of the iceberg.

According to the Telegraph, the Democrats Lay the Groundwork so he can make a dignified exit from the race. One official said Mr. Biden could not be “dragged off the stage” and needed trusted aides and insiders to convince him to “walk away” on his own terms.

In an editorial, the Sun claims that the president's wife, Jill, appears to be the only person capable of persuading him to resign. The newspaper says it is astonishing that she holds in her hands the future safety and security of America and its allies.

The Daily Mirror claims that England have qualified for the quarter-finals of the Euro, after a near humiliation by Slovakia. “Saved by the Bell” headlines The Sununder a photo of Jude Bellingham scoring the late equalizer that saved England from defeat.




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