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The dark side of the world of Bollywood: abused, raped and almost killed

The dark side of the world of Bollywood: abused, raped and almost killed


FOUR Bollywood stars had a very bright future when they first ventured into the world of cinema. But no one thought their lives would change hundreds of degrees.

True to their promise, these four actresses have their own dark stories where each of them went through episodes of physical, mental and sexual abuse.

In fact, one of them was almost raped and killed by four criminals. Come on, let's explore the dark history of these four Bollywood stars!

Actress who announced her retirement, Somy Ali once revealed that she was sexually assaulted when she was 5 years old! Somy revealed that he was actually caught in a domestic violence situation while growing up in Pakistan.

When asked to tell the story of his childhood, Somy said he was terribly abused by those who should have protected and loved him as a child.

In fact, this former lover of Salman Khan once shocked the Bollywood world after he alleged that he was mentally and physically abused by the popular actor. This is not the first time I am hearing this.

The tragic story told by model, actress and activist Sheila Ray indeed invites sadness and disbelief in anyone who listens to it.

It was unimaginable to those who listened when Sheila revealed that she had been drugged, raped by four men and abandoned on the side of the road around 1977.

Even more surprising, her son, Ashok Banker, then 12, found his mother slumped outside her house. This shocking story was recorded by Ashok.

So far, no photos or information relating to Sheila Ray have been found on the Internet. Lost!


Daisy Irani, the child actress of the 50s, was raped by her own guardian when she was just six years old! At that time, Diasy was filming Hum Panchhi Ek Dal Ke (1957).

Not only was she raped, but Daisy was actually physically, mentally and sexually assaulted by the criminal, causing very deep trauma to the child star.

The dark episode was carefully preserved for decades until in 2018, Daisy finally revealed the heartbreaking incident to the public.

A famous child star of the 1950s and 1960s, Daisy Irani was sexually assaulted at the age of 6. At the time, she was filming Hum Panchhi Ek Dal Ke (1957) and was raped by a man who was supposed to be her guardian.


Actress Kangana Ranaut has dreamed of becoming a Bollywood star since her childhood. But unbeknownst to him, the world of art and entertainment actually has a dark and very dirty side.

At the age of 17, she was raped by an influential man from the film world. At that time, he could only keep quiet and accept the rather dark fate.

After revealing the matter, many started naming several names, including actor and producer Aditya Pancholi. But so far, Kangana has kept the matter under wraps out of fear.




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