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Divya Dutta: Divya Dutta shares her Bollywood journey and literary pursuits | Nagpur News

Divya Dutta: Divya Dutta shares her Bollywood journey and literary pursuits | Nagpur News


Nagpur: In a captivating session, actress and author Divya Dutta shared his illustrious film career and literary pursuits. Moderated by artist Madhavi Naidu, the session titled The Stars In My Sky: Those Who Brightened My Cinematic Journey, left the audience both inspired and impressed at the event organized by SGR Knowledge Foundation in association with Chitnavis Center and Orange City Literature Festival on Sunday evening.
From her early days dancing to Bachchan's hit number Khaike paan Banaras wala, inviting her neighbors with the promise of samosas and Rooh Afza to her emotionally taxing role in Baghban alongside the Big B, Dutta's journey is a testament to her resilience and his passion for storytelling.
Recounting an anecdote from her time on the sets of Baghban, Dutta recalls, “Amitabh Bachchan has always been my biggest inspiration and working with him was a dream come true. However, my role in the film required me to play a character who had a very tense relationship with him. Every morning, I would greet him with great enthusiasm, but over time, that enthusiasm faded, mainly because of the tense dynamics between our characters.”
Adding further, she said: Noticing this change, Mr Bachchan called me one day. With great sensitivity, he reassured me saying, 'It's just a role; don't let it affect you so deeply.' He even joked, 'Be nice to me, otherwise my fans won't let you go easily.'
The session also highlighted his unique approach to life and art. Dutta's spontaneity and refusal to follow conventional rules have made her the versatile artist she is today. Reflecting on his 30-year career, Dutta emphasized the importance of improvisation and enjoying magical moments on the sets.
Her memoir, Me and Maa, published in 2017, and her 2021 book, The Stars in My Sky, both echo this feeling of gratitude and family connections.
Dutta, an actress with over 100 films to her credit, including notable works of Hindi and Punjabi cinema, captivated the audience with anecdotes from her professional and personal life.
Her story began at school, where she discovered her passion for writing, often writing articles for school magazines and sharing them with her mother. Coming from a family of doctors, her journey to fame was anything but conventional.
At the age of 17, with the help of her siblings, she secretly sent her photos to a talent hunt, paving the way for her remarkable career.
Her story took a poignant turn when she recounted an encounter at an airport where a fan, deeply moved by her book, hugged her and cried. Dutta also spoke about her upcoming projects, including her debut in the web series Bandish Bandits 2 and the film Chhava with Vicky Kaushal.
Dutta revealed her plans for a children's book inspired by her nieces' love for stories. She also expressed her admiration for Nagpur's greenery and spoke about her encounters with legends like Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan, which inspired her journey.




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