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Bollywood actresses who wore heavy Indian outfits to justify their characters

Bollywood actresses who wore heavy Indian outfits to justify their characters


Bollywood is known for its grandeur and opulence, and this extends to the costumes that actors wear to bring their characters to life. Some actresses have gone a step further, wearing incredibly heavy Indian outfits to add authenticity to their roles. Here, we look at some notable examples where actresses have worn exceptionally heavy outfits that have become iconic elements of their characters.

Sridevi: the golden dress in “Puli”
Legendary actress Sridevi Kapoor was known for her dedication to her craft and impeccable acting skills. In the Tamil film 'Puli', Sridevi wore a golden gown designed by Manish Malhotra. The gown weighed over 20 kg and added a royal touch to her character, making her appearance unforgettable. This outfit highlighted the regal and powerful personality of her character, demonstrating Sridevi's commitment to her role.

Bhakti Rathod: the heaviest Lehenga
Bhakti Rathod, a celebrated actress, went all out to justify her character by wearing a lehenga that weighed 40 kg. The weight and intricacy of the outfit showcased her dedication to portraying the traditional and ornate essence of her character. Such a heavy lehenga would have been a challenge to carry, but Bhakti's performance remained graceful and impactful.

Madhuri Dixit: Mirrored Lehenga in 'Devdas'
In the classic film ‘Devdas’, Madhuri Dixit wore an authentic mirror lehenga that weighed 10 kg. Designer duo Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla revealed a glimpse of this remarkable outfit in 2019. The heavy lehenga added to the visual splendour of the film, enhancing Madhuri’s portrayal of the enchanting and tragic character of Chandramukhi.

Kareena Kapoor Khan: Heavy Lehenga in “Ki & Ka”
Kareena Kapoor Khan, known for her versatile roles, once donned an exceptionally heavy lehenga weighing nearly 32 kg for her role in the film 'Ki & Ka'. The outfit added depth to her character, reflecting the traditional and cultural aspects that were central to the film's plot. The weight of the lehenga didn't stop Kareena from delivering an exceptional performance, once again proving her dedication to her craft.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan: Jewels in “Jodhaa Akbar”
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's performance in the film 'Jodhaa Akbar' is truly enchanting. To play the historical character Jodhaa Bai, Aishwarya wore a staggering 400 kg of gold and semi-precious stones, carefully crafted to replicate her intricate jewelry. This immense weight included not only her jewelry but also her elaborate costumes, making her portraiture both visually and historically accurate.

Deepika Padukone: Armor in “Bajirao Mastani”
Deepika Padukone, famous for her acting prowess, captivated the audience by playing Mastani in the film 'Bajirao Mastani'. What many may not know is that Deepika wore remarkably heavy armor in the film, weighing almost 20 kg. This armor was essential in representing Mastani's warrior spirit and bravery, adding an authentic touch to his character.

These actresses have set a high standard in Bollywood by donning exceptionally heavy Indian outfits to bring their characters to life. Their dedication and commitment to their roles is evident in their willingness to endure the physical challenges posed by these outfits. Each of these performances is a testament to the professionalism of the actresses and the importance of costume in enhancing the authenticity and visual appeal of a film.




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