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Rejected by Bollywood, succeeded in these professions

Rejected by Bollywood, succeeded in these professions


Why Shashi Kapoor's Sons And Daughter Were Rejected By Bollywood, Here's What They Are Doing Now?

Shashi Kapoor was born on March 18, 1938 as Balbir Raj Kapoor to his parents, Prithviraj Kapoor and Ramsarni Mehra Kapoor, in Calcutta (now Calcutta). Like his brothers Raj Kapoor and Shammi Kapoor, Shashi also ventured into acting and is often considered one of the greatest actors in the history of Indian cinema. The third generation of the Kapoor family, consisting of the trio Raj Kapoor, Shammi Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor, is often considered to be one of the best generations of a film family in India. In a career spanning over four decades, Shashi Kapoor appeared in 175 films.

Balbir Raj Kapoor aka Shashi Kapoor: The legendary actor who refused a National Award

The list of movies in which Shashi Kapoor impressed the audience with his acting is quite long. However, if we are supposed to pick some of his most notable movies, we will include movies like Dharmputra, The Householder, Waqt, Shakespeare Wallah, Aa Gale Lag Jaa, Deewar, Kabhi Kabhie, Junoon, Bombay Talkie, Heat and Dust, and many others. Not everyone is aware of the fact that after the massive success of his film, DharmputraDirected by Yash Chopra, Shashi Kawas received a National Award.

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Shashi Kapoor

To everyone's surprise, Shashi Kapoor refused the prestigious award as he did not consider his acting performance in Dharmputra worthy of such an important prize as the National Award. The actor's humility left an indelible mark on Indian cinema as it was rare to see an actor say 'no' to a National Award. Over the next few years, Shashi won several National Awards for films, Juno, New Delhi Times, And In custody.

Meet Shashi Kapoor's Wife Jennifer Kendal and Their Three Kids

Shashi Kapoor marries Jennifer Kendal

Shashi Kapoor got married to Jennifer Kendal in July 1958 and the couple's cross-cultural marriage turned heads. Shashi and Jennifer welcomed their first son, Kunal Kapoor, on June 26, 1959. The couple embraced parenthood for the second time on January 18, 1962, when Jennifer gave birth to Karan Kapoor. It was on November 27, 1967 that Shashi and Jennifer's family was completed after the birth of their daughter, Sanjana. Sadly, Jennifer died on September 7, 1984, at the age of 51, from colon cancer.

Jennifer Kendal's demise came as a huge shock to Shashi Kapoor and the actor fell into depression. However, he came out of it for the sake of his children Kunal Kapoor, Karan Kapoor and Sanjana Kapoor. In the following years, all four of them became each other's biggest support after Jennifer Kendal's demise. It was on December 4, 2017, that Shashi Kapoor passed away due to liver cirrhosis at the age of 79. The iconic Bollywood actor was honored posthumously at the 90th Academy Awards.

Why Shashi Kapoor's children Kunal Kapoor, Karan Kapoor and Sanjana Kapoor failed to make it in Bollywood as actors

Shashi Kapoor and Jennifer Kendal's children Kunal Kapoor, Karan Kapoor and Sanjana Kapoor have followed in their father's footsteps. However, the public rejected all three of them, due to their looks and acting skills. According to several reports, Kunal, Karan and Sanjana's British appearance and accent have significantly hampered their respective acting careers. Soon, all three stopped acting and ventured into different professions, and to this day, they are successful and satisfied with their respective lives.

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Shashi Kapoor's son Kunal Kapoor works as an advertising executive after quitting acting

Kunal Kapoor

Legendary actor, Shashi Kapoor's eldest son Kunal Kapoor made his acting debut with the English film, Siddhartha. In the following years, he worked in a series of films like Junoon, Ahista Ahista, Vijeta, Utsav, Trikal, Singh is Bling And Panipat. However, he failed to achieve success in his acting career, so he left the profession to pursue commercial filmmaking. Kunal Kapoor founded an ad film making company called 'Ad Filmwalas' and went on to direct over 800 television commercials. Kunal is currently one of the biggest and most successful ad filmmakers in the country.

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Shashi Kapoor's son Karan Malhotra who left acting and is now an award-winning photographer

Karan Kapoor is one of the most beautiful people in the entire lineage of the Kapoor family. In his youth, he was no less than a Hollywood actor. Unfortunately, his British look became his biggest weakness when he wanted to make a career in Bollywood. For the uninitiated, Karan made his acting debut in Junoafter which he was only seen in three other films, 36 Chowringhee Lane, Sultanate, And Head.

Karan Kapoor

Karan Kapoor turned his passion for photography into a profession after failing to achieve success as an actor in Hindi cinema. He opened a photography company in London and subsequently worked with many international clients. After making a name for himself in the photography industry, he returned to India and held many exhibitions. In 2009, Karan won a major award at the International Photography Awards, cementing his legacy as a photographer.

Shashi Kapoor's daughter Sanjana Kapoor runs a theater troupe, Junoon, after her failure as an actress in Hindi cinema

Shashi Kapoor's daughter Sanjana Kapoor is often overshadowed by the public because of her brothers, Kunal Kapoor and Karan Kapoor. However, not everyone is aware of the fact that she has also tried her luck in acting. She made her acting debut in 36, Chowringhee Lane and later appeared in films, Utsav, Salaam Bombay!, Hero Hiralal, And Its gold.

Sanjana Kapoor

However, Sanjana Kapoor failed to impress the audience and critics with her acting skills, which is why she bid adieu to Hindi cinema. After leaving theatre, Sanjana ran Prithvi Theater for a while before starting her own theater troupe, Junoon, in 2012. Now, she runs her theater troupe in peace and continues to put on plays across the country.

What do you think about Shashi Kapoor's kids Kunal Kapoor, Karan Kapoor and Sanjana Kapoor who are succeeding in life after failing as actors in Bollywood? Let us know.

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