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The prince will be awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – despite his refusal…

The prince will be awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame – despite his refusal…


July 1, 2024, 09:24

Prince Rogers Nelson will be posthumously awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Prince Rogers Nelson will posthumously receive a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

Photo: Getty

He will finally have his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

It was recently announced that music icon Prince will be among the next group of cultural figures to join the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

The “Purple Rain” legend will receive the honor posthumously, more than eight years after his tragic death.

On June 25, 2024, the list of Hollywood Walk of Fame honorees for the Class of 2025 was revealed, which will also include David Beckham, Jane Fonda, Colin Farrell, Keith Urban and many more.

It's certainly been a long time coming for Prince, who was twice approached about receiving his own star during his lifetime.

However, Prince declined this honor twice. But why? And how was he honored posthumously?

The prince refused this honor twice.  (Photo by Mike Maloney/Mirrorpix/Getty Images)

Prince declined this honor twice. (Photo by Mike Maloney/Mirrorpix/Getty Images).


Although his many fans might be surprised that he doesn't already have his own place on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, stars must consent to be nominated.

If they are still alive, the rule has been dubbed the “Springsteen clause” after a fan previously nominated Bruce Springsteen without permission from “The Boss” himself.

Walk Of Fame Producer Ana Martinez Revealed People magazine: “We announced it and he didn't want it. »

“So I created what's called the Springsteen clause, which [means] “You now have to approve it. Because otherwise it wouldn't be fair to those who want it.”

Prince himself declined the honor twice, saying he was “not ready” to accept a spot. So how can he receive this award now?

The prince tragically passed away in 2016. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/WireImage)

Prince tragically passed away in 2016. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/WireImage).


Well, Prince's estate has given the green light, with the two-year “mourning period” after the death of an icon having passed.

A celebrity's family or estate must give consent, and after the six-year long battle over Prince's estate concluded in 2022, they consented to his appointment.

Whether the Prince himself would have wanted his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is another matter: he might well have refused it a third time if he were alive today.

The date of the ceremony has not yet been confirmed. Although Prince was named among the inductees, his estate has less than two years to plan the induction.




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