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Whalers Village is hosting a Summer Vibes Block Party in July: Maui Now

Whalers Village is hosting a Summer Vibes Block Party in July: Maui Now


The whalers' village. Photo credits: Whalers Village

Whalers Village is hosting a Summer Vibes Block Party for kamaina and visitors from July 1st to 31st.

Throughout the month, visitors can enjoy live performances, free cultural activities, discounts at merchants and enter a weekly draw to win prizes including merchandise and gift cards at stores and restaurants in Whalers Village. The month-long celebration includes a summertime Fourth of July celebration, complete with festive foods, live entertainment, and games and activities for keiki and ohana.

“As part of the Lahaina community, Whalers Village and our merchants continue our commitment to the recovery and healing of West Maui following the devastating wildfires of August 2023,” said Heath Mills, General Manager. “As we approach one year since the wildfires, we wanted to recognize the strength of our island and celebrate the resilience of our Maui community.”


Following the August 2023 Maui wildfires, Whalers Village partnered with its merchants, the State of Hawaii, Maui County, businesses and non-profit organizations, and served as a venue for relief and recovery efforts. This included a virtual food drive for the Maui Food Bank, hosting insurance and banking assistance events for fire victims, hosting an event to offer keiki medical resources and well-being. be family friendly, as well as weekly visits from The Hawaii State Library Systems' Holoholo Bookmobile. The Whalers also served as a venue, attempting to provide some normalcy and fun to the keiki by maintaining long-standing community traditions, including Halloween festivities with Kanapalis Family Fun Halloween Bash, which attracted more than 5,000 people.

With Summer Vibes, we want to celebrate our Maui community and merchants with a family-friendly event, and provide Maui-minded travelers the opportunity to patronize our restaurants, shops and activities, contributing to our island's much-needed economic recovery.

Whalers Village. Photo credits: Whalers Village

July 4th Summer Celebration

Whalers Village is hosting a free, family-friendly event to celebrate Independence Day on Thursday, July 4, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will take place in the Ohana Courtyard located on the lower level near the children's play area with additional activations placed throughout the center.

  • Entertainment: Jazz Maui, Uncle Sam's stilt walkers, photo booth, hula class
  • Lawn games: giant Connect 4, giant Jenga, corn hole, puck toss
  • Carnival Games: Bean Bag Toss, Tiki Ring Toss, Aloha Basketball Free Throw, Mad Hatter Pong Teacups, Queen of Hearts Hook (Carnival game players have the opportunity to qualify for prizes)
  • Keiki Activities: Face Painting, Flash Tattoos, Glitter Tattoos, Photo Booth, Popcorn Machine
  • Hula Grill: Across the street from Hula Grill, where the freshest ingredients from local fishermen and farmers are served daily, keiki can enjoy a special experience with a lively bouncy castle on the oceanfront lawn from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Leilanis on the Beach: In addition to award-winning Hawaiian regional cuisine served daily, Leilanis on the Beach will serve grilled hot dogs and frozen lemonade. All proceeds will benefit the Legacy of Aloha Foundation, which is helping Maui employees of TS restaurants affected by the West Maui wildfires. Guests are invited to bring their blankets and beach chairs to the oceanfront lawn to enjoy music from Leilanis 5 from noon to 2 p.m.
  • TeaZenTea: Enjoy a special menu of delicious and colorful Independence Day-themed drinks at 25% off from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Whaling Village. PC credit: Whaling Village

Live shows and free activities


Throughout the month of July, live entertainment will be held in the Ohana Courtyard and at full-service beachfront restaurants. Performers include Maui singers and songwriters such as Akoni, Damien Awai, Joshua Kahula and Nuff Sedd. Additionally, free cultural classes will be offered weekly in the Ohana Courtyard.

Live Events & Entertainment:

  • Hula Grill: live music at 5:30 p.m. daily and hula show at 6:30 p.m. daily.
  • Leilanis On The Beach: live music at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. every day.
  • Monkeypod Kitchen by Merriman: Live music at 1pm, 4pm and 7pm daily.
  • Movie night: Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 30 minutes after sunset (weather permitting)

Cultural courses (Ohana Court):

  • Ukulele Basics: Friday: 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
  • Ulana Lau Niu (Coconut leaf weaving): Friday, noon to 1 p.m.
  • Papa Hula (Hula class): Saturday, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Whalers' Village. PC Credit: Whalers' Village


From July 1 to 31, shoppers will have the chance to win prizes from the Summer Vibes contest. Entrants can enter once per week by visiting the Whalers Village Instagram page, searching for the contest post, commenting on the post, and tagging a friend in the comments. For more information and official rules, visit

Summer Savings

Shoppers and diners can enjoy exclusive discounts and promotions from merchants. The full list of participating stores and offers is available at




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