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NALIP Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Star-Studded Celebration

NALIP Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Star-Studded Celebration


The National Association of Latin American Independent Producers (NALIP) celebrated its 25th anniversary this weekend, bringing together some serious talent for a star-studded evening Friday.

“[We are] celebrating the resilience and success of the icons we have today,” Diana Luna, executive director of NALIP, told Variety. “We lack representation in a very problematic way… We live in a multicultural world and everyone should have a space. That's why we're demanding space and we want to make sure the industry understands we're here and we're ready to be. [here] and take over.

NALIP strives to bring Latino creative media professionals and their stories to the forefront. The organization provides the community with access to resources and networking events that drive success and innovation. Many members have found success in Hollywood.

“NALIP has always supported me,” said Debby Wolfe, the showrunner of “Lopez vs. Lopez.” “When I came here, they were the first organization that believed in my writing. And I had the opportunity to do a workshop with them in New Mexico, and 20 years later, I’m here doing a panel for a show that I’m directing.”

“Magnum PI” star Jay Hernandez said that after benefiting from NALIP, he feels a responsibility to work within the organization and the industry as a whole to keep the door open for future generations.

“I think I've kind of reached the point where I feel like it's my duty to uplift our community and tell stories that Hollywood [hasn’t] I really cared,” Hernandez said.

Contrary to the typical industry narrative of “every man for himself,” “Our Flags Mean Death” star Vico Ortiz said the community is stronger together.

“Because we work better together by being together,” Vico Ortiz said. “I find it so beautiful to have organizations like this that understand the need to tell our stories and support each other. »

Legendary activist Dolores Huerta has stressed the importance of having Latino voices on screen.

“We always have [what] “I call it the cactus garden between Hollywood and Los Angeles,” Huerta said. “And I think we need a lot more support in the industry because Latinos are such a large part of the population. But it’s very difficult to get our stories out there.”

Huerta also commented on President Joe Biden's performance during the debate. “It was a debate. Biden lost the debate, but he did not lose the election,” she concluded.

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” actress Xochitl Gomez said that while the Latino film and television community is a close-knit circle, there is always room for more people join NALIP and share diverse stories.

“It’s family to me. I think [I know] “Almost all of these people. I've spent time with them. Hollywood is a small town,” Gomez said. “We become friends. And the more people we have, the more we're not going to treat them like strangers.”

“Griselda” star Juliana Aiden Martinez said that in 25 years, she would like to see more subtleties added to stories about the Latino experience.

“I would like us, in 25 years, to be able to celebrate stories that show our nuances, our multiple dimensions, as human beings,” Martinez said.

See photos from NALIP's 25th Anniversary Celebration below.

Dolores Huerta.

Diana Luna, executive director of NALIP.
Michael Buckner for Variety

Jon Gardens and Benito Martinez.

Virginia Novello and Cristo Fernandez.

Moses Zamora.

Juliana Martinez and Julieth Restrepo.

Vico Ortiz.




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