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Bollywood Half Year Report 2024: What worked, what didn't in a boring first half

Bollywood Half Year Report 2024: What worked, what didn't in a boring first half


Bollywood Half Yearly Report 2024: What Worked and What Didn't in the First Half of 2024

Bollywood Half Year Report 2024: What worked, what didn't in the first half of 2024.

It's been 6 months already and we have had the opportunity to see many Bollywood movies in theaters. However, unlike last year, which saw Pathaan break box office records as early as January, 2024 has no such movie. However, there is still the entire second half to change that. Let’s look at the big winners in Bollywood and how the movies performed in the first half.

Major releases in 2024 and their evolution

The first major release was Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi's Merry Christmas, which grossed Rs 18.30 crore and failed at the Box office. Main Atal Hoon was also released in January and met the same fate as Merry Christmas. The highest-grossing film of the year was Fighter, which released on Republic Day. The debut film starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone grossed Rs 199.45 million. However, it's still not a net success.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahi Box Office Collection Day 13 Rajkummar-Janhvi39s Film Remains Stable Mints Rs 90 Lakhs
Mr. and Mrs. Mahi did not perform well at the box office.

Next month, we had the Valentine's Day special rom-com Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, which was a hit, grossing Rs 80.88 crore. Article 370 grossed Rs 82.37 crore and was considered a hit. Vidyut Jammwal's Crakk Jeetegaa Toh Jiyegaa managed to earn only Rs 13.23 crore. Laapataa Ladies, directed by Kiran Rao, turned out to be a real hit, which became a surprise hit and grossed Rs 20.24 crore.

Ajay Devgn's debut film Shaitaan did wonders at the box office, earning Rs 149.49 million and earning the title of super hit. Sidharth Malhotra's action film Yodha could only earn Rs 32.45 million and Bastar The Naxal Story also flopped, barely crossing the Rs 1 crore mark. Comedy film Madgaon Express earned Rs 38.47 million and was able to get the title of semi-hit.

This Rs 30 Crore film without big names beats champion Chandu Maidaan Bade Miyan Chote Miyan at the box office
Munjya is a success

French Crew, starring Tabu, Kareena Kapoor and Kriti Sanon, did well at the box office, earning 89.92 crores. The big clash between Maidaan and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan proved disastrous for both as they couldn't reach 60 crores and flopped. Rajkumar Rao's Srikanth made an impact and was considered a semi-success after earning Rs 50.05 crore. Cricket-based film Mr & Mrs Mahi earned only Rs 35.81 crore, however, Mona Singh's Sharvari and Munjya have earned Rs 89.81 crore so far and are a smash hit. Sports biopic Chandu Champion managed to collect Rs 49.21 crore and is still showing in theatres.

In the first half, big films like Bade Miyan Chote Miyan and Fighter did not perform as expected, but we had sleeper hits like Laapataa Ladies and Munjya. Films from different genres worked, once again giving a glimmer of hope that the audience is ready to watch good content, irrespective of the genre or the scale of the film.




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