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OJ Simpson to Feature in 2024 BET Awards 'In Memoriam' Segment

OJ Simpson to Feature in 2024 BET Awards 'In Memoriam' Segment


OJ Simpson was among those featured in the “In Memoriam” segment of the 2024 BET Awards on Sunday night — a move that surprised some attendees.

The audience had applauded as the photos were shown during the montage. But when Simpson's image appeared on the screen, with the description “former NFL player,” a noticeable hush fell over the crowd.

A moment later there was some applause, but many people in the audience were a little surprised to see his face, with one person in attendance noticing some laughter in the crowd.

Among the personalities featured in the “In Memoriam” segment are Bill Cobbs, Carl Weathers, Willie Mays, Clarence Avant, Maurice Hines, Richard Roundtree, Ron Cephas Jones, Rudolph Isley, Irish Grinstead of the band 702, Louis Gossett Jr., rapper Brother Marquis of 2 Live Crew and civil rights activist Dexter Scott King.

In addition to being a college football star turned professional athlete, Simpson was of course an actor, appearing in the likes of Naked gun franchise.

But his legacy will forever be tarnished after he was accused of killing his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman amid a highly publicized televised car chase and a trial in which OJ Simpson was ultimately acquitted of murder charges.

The Brown and Goldman Families critical BET for including Simpson. Ron's father, Fred, told TMZ, “I think they shouldn't include someone of that caliber – a womanizer, a murderer… I can't imagine why they would include someone like that.”

Nicole's sister, Tanya, echoed TMZ's comments: “It's inappropriate to recognize an abuser and a murderer.” She added: “Whoever had the idea to do this owes every victim of domestic violence an apology…and that includes our family. And they should be fired.”

The Hollywood Reporter has contacted BET for comment.

Simpson died in April at the age of 76.

10:58 a.m. July 1: Added statements from the Goldman and Brown families.




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