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ICYMI: Colonial Williamsburg Offers Free Admission and Special Programming on July 4th

ICYMI: Colonial Williamsburg Offers Free Admission and Special Programming on July 4th


(The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

WILLIAMSBURG Colonial Williamsburg has announced that it will offer free one-day admission to its historic area and art museums on July 4 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Visitors will have the opportunity to celebrate Independence Day alongside Thomas Jefferson, Martha Washington, Gowan Pamphlet and other members of the nation's founding generation with fireworks, as well as enjoy musical performances and special programming, according to The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.

“July 4th is a time to celebrate all that this nation has accomplished in its relentless and unfinished quest to create a more perfect union,” said Cliff Fleet, president and CEO of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. “There is no better place to take stock of our collective accomplishments and opportunities than here in Williamsburg, on the very streets and buildings where our national identity was shaped.”

Highlights of the event

9:30 in the morning Declaration of Independence Reading

Gather at Capitol Circle to hear Thomas Jefferson read the Declaration of Independence from the Capitol balcony.

10:30 a.m. Hello to the States

Meet at Market Square North (behind the courthouse) to join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums and the Virginia State Garrison Regiment in saluting the original thirteen states of the Union.

Noon Reading of the declaration at noon

Gather on the steps of the courthouse with costumed interpreters representing 18thOver the past century, Williamsburg's diverse community has heard the Declaration of Independence read as they first experienced it.

2:30 p.m. Building Washington's Army

New this year, participate in a military drill behind the courthouse with members of the Virginia State Garrison Regiment, concluding with an inspection by Colonel Washington.

8 p.m. Lights of Freedom

Gather on Palace Green for a celebration of the words and music of the American Revolution. Guests are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets and food to enjoy the concert.

9:30 p.m. Fireworks

The evening ends with a fireworks display over the Palace of the Governors, sponsored by the City of Williamsburg. The fireworks last approximately 20 minutes and can be seen from Palace Green and Market Square.

Participants must visit the CW for a full list of the day's events, including historic trade demonstrations, building tours, performances, ongoing exhibits and additional special programming.

(The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)

Important information

  • Transportation and parking:A variety ofFree and paid parking optionsare available around the perimeter of the historic area, in downtown Williamsburg and at the Visitor Center.Free bus serviceis operated by Williamsburg Area Transit Authority (WATA) on Route 15: Colonial. Visitgowata.orgfor up-to-date information on journey times and stops.
  • Food and drink:A variety of dining options, from grab-and-go drinks and snacks to reservation-only buffets, are available throughout the Historic District and nearby Merchants Square. more information.
  • Weather report:Colonial Williamsburg does not offer rain dates for the July 4th fireworks. In the event of inclement weather, information about the status of the fireworks will be posted on the foundation's social media channels. To receive July 4th weather updates via text message, text CWEVENT to 226787.

Visitors can register in advance to pick up free tickets at complete list of frequently asked questions about the Fourth of July, including additional information about parking, food and drink, restroom locations and more, can be found at:




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