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Gather around grilled skewers at new Lebanese restaurant Laya in Hollywood

Gather around grilled skewers at new Lebanese restaurant Laya in Hollywood


Chef Charbel Hayeks' second Los Angeles restaurant in just over a year, Layaopens a block from the Hollywood Farmers Market, where the chef buys his produce weekly. Hayek, the winner of season 2 of Top Chef: Middle Eastdebuts Laya on Tuesday, July 2, in the former La Mesa Lounge and Restaurant with a familiar yet casual menu that draws inspiration from its 2023 Ladyhawk opening.

With Laya, Hayek took a simple approach, incorporating farmers market ingredients with Californian, Lebanese and other Middle Eastern flavors. “I’m excited to show the world what you can do with this cuisine while still maintaining its identity,” Hayek says.

Hayek curated the menu with appetizers, skewers, and shareable plates like roasted beet hummus with homemade pita that comes out piping hot. Entrees include lamb chops with buttery radicchio and lettuce salad and fried kibbeh topped with hummus, pickled onions, and jalapeño. On skewers are wagyu beef or lemon octopus with grilled cucumber tzatziki and ancho chile.

The Lebanese chef made the most of his grill with red sea bream accompanied by a mojo chili tahini and pomegranate molasses. A group can try a mixed grill platter with wagyu, chicken shish taouk and beef kofta surrounded by roasted tomatoes and chili, grilled onions and pickled cucumbers.

Sunset Entertainment Group (SEG) recruited Hayek with Studio Mood Laya designed a 6,500-square-foot, mostly outdoor space. Custom blankets will keep things warm during the colder months, and 157 in total. Located one block south of Sunset Boulevard on Cahuenga, Laya has the Tulum vibe for days with soft tones, custom built-in banquettes, a fire pit, and two bars.

Adam Ohler, former sommelier at Republique, Bavel and Lucques, created the wine list specifically for each section of the menu with bottles from Lebanon, France, California and beyond. Longtime bartender Bobby Jackson handled the cocktails, with original drinks or twists on familiar ones while paying homage to the flavors of Layas. The Llamas de Vida cocktail features Union mezcal, cantaloupe, brandy and a housemade Aleppo pepper rim inspired by Tajn.

Hayek, 26, has found success in Los Angeles since opening his West Hollywood restaurant in 2023, succeeding with something that didn’t exist in West Hollywood: a high-end Middle Eastern restaurant. Now that SEG has hired him for its latest restaurant, Hayek appears well-positioned to energize Southern California’s modern Lebanese and Middle Eastern culinary scene.

Starting Tuesday, July 2, Laya is open from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday and until 11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. The bar stays open until midnight. Laya is located at 1430 N. Cahuenga Boulevard, Hollywood, 90028. Reservations can be made at: made here.

Grilled octopus skewers with lemon, ancho chile and charred cucumber tzatziki at Laya restaurant in Hollywood.

Grilled octopus skewers with lemon, ancho pepper and charred cucumber tzatziki.

Kafta bil sanieh, also known as baked kibbeh, with ground beef, tomato, parsley, tahini, onion and chili pepper at Laya restaurant in Hollywood.

Kafta bil sanieh, also known as baked kibbeh, with ground beef, tomato, parsley, tahini, onion and chili pepper.

An assortment of Middle Eastern dishes at Laya Restaurant in Hollywood.

Menu screen.

Llamas de Vida cocktail with Union mezcal, cantaloupe, brandy and a homemade Aleppo pepper rim at Laya restaurant in Hollywood.

Llamas de Vida cocktail with Union mezcal, cantaloupe, brandy and a homemade Aleppo rim inspired by Tajin.




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