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Nollywood actor, Lawori, accuses NURTW boss, Koko Zaria of assault

Nollywood actor, Lawori, accuses NURTW boss, Koko Zaria of assault
Nollywood actor, Lawori, accuses NURTW boss, Koko Zaria of assault


The Nigerian police have said they will investigate an allegation by a popular Nollywood actor, Lawori, against a leader of the National Union of Road Transport Workers, Ganiyu Oyedepo, popularly known as Koko Zaria, involving an attack in which the former sustained head injuries.

This was disclosed on Monday by the force's Public Relations Officer, Olumuyiwa Adejobi.

The actor, in a video shared early Monday by an X user, Oyindamola, tweeting as #dammiedammie35, narrated how a bottle of alcoholic drink was slapped on his head during the Idimu Day 2024 event held last Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

According to the actor, who revealed the stitched wound on his head, while pleading for justice from well-meaning Nigerians, he said he was one of the masters of ceremonies at an event.

While he was doing his job, he said an unknown man came on stage to tell him that the head of NURTW had called him, which he did.

Lawori narrated: “As I went to meet Koko Zaria to greet him, he asked me if I didn’t see them here. I then apologized and said I would do the needful when I returned to the stage.

“I then heard someone ask me if I was Lawori, thinking he (the person) did not know me and was meeting me for the first time. It was later confirmed to him that I was Lawori.

“As I was talking to Koko Zaria and I turned around, the man took a bottle of Martell (in front of Koko Zaria and his guys) and broke it on my head.”

The actor added that he was “wet” in blood after losing consciousness following the attack. He said he only remembered how his head was stitched up at the hospital, which caused him pain.

“Nigerians, please help me. It was Koko Zaria who sent someone to call me,” he said, adding that he did not remember how he reached the hospital.

“Save me from Koko Zaria, I don’t know why I offended him,” he pleaded.

Reacting to the accusation via his Instagram page on Monday, the NURTW leader, using the handle #kokozaria_americaboy, denied the allegation.

“Lawori never offended me. We are very close. I saw a video where he said that I was the one who ordered the attack on him. What did he do to me?” he asked.

Oyedepo added: “Lawori, I have nothing to curse you with (sic), but I want you to swear by all you have and your ambition that I ordered the attack.”

The NURTW boss said that during the event which saw a large crowd in attendance, he called the actor to greet him and also apologized for not showing up for a job the actor had called him for.

Oyedepo recalled that when Lawori returned to the stage, about two people fought with him as he (Lawori) stopped the music they were listening to.

He clarified that he did not attend the event with his boys, saying: “As you were coming off stage, I saw people hitting your head with bottles. I took you to the hospital and you were treated. I stayed with you and paid your medical bill. I even gave you a wad of cash. This all happened on Tuesday.”

He noted that he left the hospital with Lawori around 1am, adding that he was the one who alerted the actor's wife about the incident.

Oyedepo also said the actor called him on phone on Wednesday and prayed that he would show his appreciation.

“I know everything that is happening. I know those who sent you. I put you in the hands of God,” he said.

Meanwhile, the PPRO, reacting to the video posted on on Monday, wrote: “This matter will be investigated and justice will be served. Many people have contacted me on this issue. @BenHundeyin, @FCID_ANNEX, @LagosPoliceNG, @PoliceNG.”




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