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Songwriter and producer Glen Ballard to receive star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

Songwriter and producer Glen Ballard to receive star on Hollywood Walk of Fame
Songwriter and producer Glen Ballard to receive star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


WHO | HONORED Glen Ballard

Animator Steve Nissen, President and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce

GUEST SPEAKERS Pop group Wilson Phillips (Carnie Wilson, Wendy Wilson and Chynna Phillips) and performer Roger Bart (Back to the Future: The Musical)

WHAT Hollywood Walk of Fame Honors 2,784th Star

WHEN Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. PT

OR 6253 Hollywood Boulevard

WATCH LIVE The event will be streamed live exclusively on

Songwriter and producer Glen Ballard will be honored with the 2,784th The star will be presented on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, July 11 at 11:30 a.m. PT at 6253 Hollywood Boulevard. Ballard will receive the star in the Recording category. Presenter Steve Nissen will be joined by Wilson Phillips and Roger Bart.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce administers the legendary Hollywood Walk of Fame in the City of Los Angeles and has proudly hosted ceremonies honoring iconic stars from around the world for decades. Millions of people from here and around the world have visited this cultural landmark since 1960.


“The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is proud to honor songwriter and producer Glen Ballard with a star on the Walk of Fame,” said Ana Martinez, producer of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. “His exceptional talent has left a tremendous mark on the music industry,” added Martinez.

Glen Ballard, a six-time Grammy Award winner, is one of popular music's most accomplished producers and songwriters, whose records have sold more than one hundred and fifty million copies worldwide. In 2023, Ballard was selected for induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame.

Ballard produced and co-wrote Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill (33 million worldwide) and in 2019, a Jagged Little Pill musical featuring all the songs from the album debuted on Broadway. Ballard has written and produced songs for Wilson Phillips, Dave Matthews, Christina Aguilera, George Strait, Josh Groban, Quincy Jones, Aretha Franklin, Barbra Streisand, Shakira, Katy Perry, Van Halen, Chaka Khan, Andrea Bocelli, Ringo Starr, George Benson, Patti Austin, Al Jarreau, Idina Menzel and many others. His production credits include producing and arranging records for Annie Lennox, No Doubt and POD. Key songs from Ballard's catalogue include Man in the Mirror for Michael Jackson which he co-wrote and arranged, You Oughta Know, Hold On, The Voice Within, The Space Between and Believe for the feature film The Polar Express.

Through his Los Angeles-based production company Augury, Ballard develops a diverse range of projects in which music plays a central role. His most recent television project is the Netflix Original series The Eddy, a multicultural, music-driven drama that debuted in 2020 and tells the story of a jazz band trying to survive in the chaos of modern-day Paris. Ballard wrote and composed original songs and music for the limited series and served as executive producer alongside Academy Award-winning director Damien Chazelle, BAFTA and Tony Award-winning screenwriter Jack Thorne, and Emmy Award-winning producer/director Alan Poul. Ballard wrote the original lyrics and music for GHOST the Musical, which debuted in 2011 and has since toured worldwide.

Ballard’s international production company Augury is the producer of the stage adaptation of 1985’s Back to the Future, having worked on the project for over 14 years. Working with Grammy Award-winning and Oscar-nominated film composer Alan Silvestri, Ballard created the original music and lyrics for the production, which features 17 new songs and is directed by John Rando. The show opened in Manchester, UK at the Opera House in March 2020. Back to the Future: The Musical made its debut in London’s West End at the Adelphi Theatre. The show was nominated for seven 2022 Olivier Awards, including Best Original Score, and won Best New Musical. It also won four 2022 WhatsOnStage Awards, including Best New Musical. Back to the Future: The Musical is currently playing on Broadway where it opened in August 2023 at the Winter Garden Theatre, and continues to run there, in the West End and on a US tour.

Ballard was born in Natchez, Mississippi. He began writing songs and playing in local bands in Natchez in his early years and studied literature at Ole Miss before coming to Hollywood. He worked for Elton John and later Quincy Jones during his first decade in Los Angeles, becoming a songwriter at Universal and later becoming one of the most sought-after producer/songwriters.

Ballard supports Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

Photo: Erik Melvin

EMBARGO* In order to be considered for and obtain future press credentials for Hollywood Walk of Fame events, your media outlet has agreed to abide by the following restrictions: No portion of the Walk of Fame ceremony presentation may be rebroadcast or broadcast live or used in any media, including the Internet, prior to the conclusion of the live ceremony.


The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a celebration of art, entertainment and all things Hollywood. Star ceremonies are broadcast around the world, connecting fans with their favorite artists. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce administers the Walk of Fame on behalf of the City of Los Angeles. Honorees are selected by a committee of their peers. Sponsors fund the star, the ceremony and the upkeep of the legendary attraction. The Walk of Fame is free to everyone. To learn more and find your favorite stars, visit

Hollywood Walk of Fame Contact: Ana Martinez, [email protected]


Since 1921, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has been dedicated to promoting and enhancing the business, cultural and civic well-being of Hollywood. With approximately 700 members representing more than 148,000 employees, the Chamber is Hollywood’s largest business organization. It serves as a venue where diverse members can foster and implement great ideas that help drive commerce and improve the Hollywood community. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is the proud steward of two global icons: the Hollywood Walk of Fame and the Hollywood Sign. Steve Nissen is the President and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and Sarah Zurell is the 2024-25 Board Chair. To make a difference, contact us at




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