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Here's where to celebrate Independence Day this week | News, Sports, Jobs

Here's where to celebrate Independence Day this week | News, Sports, Jobs


Harrison Epstein, Daily Herald file photo

Fireworks conclude the Mapleton Pioneer Days celebration at Ira Allan Park on Saturday, July 22, 2023.

Utah County will host a handful of fireworks shows, festivals and celebrations this week for Independence Day on Thursday, including the popular Stadium of Fire and the Colonial Heritage Festival.

Here are some of the events happening in Utah County this week to celebrate the holiday.


  • Fire Stadium: This year's Stadium of Fire celebration will be hosted by the Jonas Brothers, a fan-favorite pop group, at LaVell Edwards Stadium on the campus of Brigham Young University, starting at 8 p.m. Thursday. As of Monday, a few tickets were still available at byutickets.comThe event will also include a flyover by F-35 aircraft from Hill Air Force Base and the famous fireworks display.
  • Freedom Days: Freedom Daysorganized by Americas Freedom Festival, will be held Wednesday through Friday on Provos Center Street. The festival will feature various vendors, a daily carnival, and music and dance performances. Vendors and the carnival will open at 4 p.m. Wednesday.
  • Balloon Fest: On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the balloon party will begin at 6 a.m. at Fox Field, where attendees will be able to watch the balloons inflate before they take off. There will also be a Balloon Glow on Friday starting at 8:30 p.m., also at Fox Field.
  • Grand Parade: The Grand Parade in Provo will begin at 9 a.m. Thursday, starting at 1000 N. University Ave. and continuing to 200 South, then to 200 East and north to Center Street before finally heading to 900 East.


  • Colonial Heritage Day: THE Annual Colonial Heritage Festival The festival will run from Thursday to Saturday from approximately 9am to 5pm each day. The main festival will be held at SCERA Park with various activities such as colonial era games, military demonstrations and colonial village exhibits and educational programs.


  • Celebrating Freedom at Thanksgiving Point: Thanksgiving Point will host A free fireworks show at Electric Park, with doors opening at 4 p.m. and the show beginning at 10 p.m. The celebration will include various vendors and attendees can bring blankets and chairs to watch the show. The fireworks will be synchronized to various popular tunes.

The pleasant grove

  • Fireworks show: City of Pleasant Grove A fireworks display will be held Thursday night at Discovery Park. The show will begin at dusk and additional parking is available at the nearby church.
  • Flag unfurling ceremony: Follow the Flag, a Pleasant Grove-based nonprofit, will host an early morning flag unfurling ceremonyThe event will begin at 7:30 a.m. at Grove Creek Trailhead and will include a choral performance and a flyover. The group will unfurl a 12,000-square-foot American flag that will be hung at the mouth of Grove Creek Canyon. Attendees are asked to bring their own chairs.


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