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'Matlock' Reboot Star Skye P. Marshall Marries Actor Edwin Hodge (Exclusive)

'Matlock' Reboot Star Skye P. Marshall Marries Actor Edwin Hodge (Exclusive)


Matlock actress Skye P. Marshall and FBI: Most Wanted Actor Edwin Hodge got married!

The actress, who stars in CBS's new reboot Matlockmarried Hodge on Saturday, June 29th in Carondelet House in Los Angeles.

The couple told PEOPLE that their vision for their big day was to “host a warm gathering” with everyone who meant the most to them. They welcomed 122 guests, including famous friends Kathy Bates, Craig Robinson, Sophia Bush, Ashlyn Harris, Jason Ritter, Melanie Lynskey, Gina Rodriguez, Victoria Rowell, Jason Ritter and Cory Hardrict.

Edwin Hodge (left) and Skye P. Marshall.

Zyaire Porter

Skye and Edwin chose a 1920s Italianate villa that was once the home of a prominent Los Angeles architect as their venue because they both have personal ties to the mansion. She previously worked as a caterer there, which gave her a behind-the-scenes look at how it works as a wedding venue, and he remembers being captivated by the “romantic” vibe of Carondelet House when he attended a clandestine event there seven years ago.

“Realizing the importance of choosing this location was a very special moment for us,” says Skye.

They opted for a theme of “underground glamour,” focusing on a palette of warm earth tones to complement the venue’s vintage charm. Wedding planner Rolanda Hardy of From visionary events to reality helped them bring their vision to life, with the help of florist Teresa Eoff of Events in eight.

Edwin Hodge (left) and Skye P. Marshall.

Zyaire Porter

The ceremony, officiated by Edwin’s brother, Aldis Hodge, mixed old traditions with personal touches. The couple exchanged handwritten vows and also jumped the broom. “It symbolizes a new beginning, erasing the past and uniting two families,” Skye notes.

They also shared special dances with their respective mothers, Patricia Marshall and Yolette Hodge, in tribute to the “genuine and unwavering” support and love the two women have always shown their children.

From left to right: Edwin Hodge, Aldis Hodge and Skye P. Marshall.

Zyaire Porter

Edwin who currently plays in FBI: Most Wanted walked down the aisle to Rotimi's “I Do,” while Skye made her way down the aisle to Craig Armstrong and Lana Del Rey's Hotel Sayre. Gatsby the magnificent soundtrack.

The bride looked glamorous for the occasion, wearing a Valdrin Sahiti cape dress fully embroidered with sparkling crystals and pearls. With the help of her stylist, Ana Tanakaand designer Susan MarquandSkye says the wedding look went from “‘a dress’ to my ultimate dream dress with custom alterations.”

Skye then changed into her outfit before the reception. “Since I love to dance, my gold fringe midi dress by Hervé Léger was perfect,” Skye tells PEOPLE.

Skye P. Marshall.

Zyaire Porter

Her bridal makeup was supervised by a celebrity makeup artist Mecca Dickerson and her hair by a celebrity stylist DaRico Jackson.
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After the ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests enjoyed a plated dinner supervised by TRS LA CatererThe menu featured New York strip steak, branzino and kabocha squash as starters, accompanied by a selection of sides.

Dessert included Monkey Cake mini cakes, artisanal chocolate truffles from Chocolate therapyvegan coconuthomemade brownies and chocolate-covered strawberries, as well as slices of the couple's two-tiered, three-berry wedding cake Sweet Lady Jane.

When the dancing started, the music was provided by DJ Malcolm from Brink Entertainment Edwin and Skye shared their first dance as husband and wife to John Legend's “Nervous.”

Edwin Hodge (left) and Skye P. Marshall.

Zyaire Porter

The day after the wedding, the couple thanked their guests by hosting a farewell brunch by the pool at their West Hollywood home. Due to their busy work schedules, they put their honeymoon plans on hold until Christmas.

“We know we want to go somewhere exotic and warm, so we're open to any fun suggestions,” Skye says.

Skye P. Marshall (left) and Edwin Hodge.

Zyaire Porter

After moving in “similar circles” but never connecting for years, Skye and Edwin finally met when they both auditioned for and landed lead roles on the CBS medical drama. Good Sam in February 2020. After a series of pandemic-related delays, production on the show began in October 2022 in Toronto, and the couple quickly developed “a strong bond and affection” for each other, Edwin says.

“We turned our on-set romance into a real-life love story,” he adds, noting that he appreciates how Skye “encourages me to step out of my comfort zone.”

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Skye, for her part, appreciates that Edwin encourages her to take up new practices. “He encourages me to take up hobbies that allow me to express myself in ever more creative ways,” she explains.

As they embark on this new chapter of their lives together, the couple tells PEOPLE they're looking forward to many more adventures and exploring the world.

“Traveling and immersing ourselves in different cultures has been a shared passion since we first met,” Skye says, adding, “Ultimately, we are thrilled with our mutual growth, deepening our love, and broadening our appreciation for each other and life.”

They also plan to become “NYC/LA bicoastal owners.”

“We love attending open houses and are excited to plant our roots on both coasts,” Edwin tells PEOPLE.




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