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How Industry Workers Think Next-Gen AI Will Change Jobs in Film Production

How Industry Workers Think Next-Gen AI Will Change Jobs in Film Production
How Industry Workers Think Next-Gen AI Will Change Jobs in Film Production


Note: This article is about the June 2024 VIP+ Special Report “Generative AI in Film and Television,” available to subscribers only.

Generative AI has been controversial among Hollywood workers, becoming a central issue in last year's writers' and actors' strikes as well as recent IATSE negotiations over its potential impact on jobs and pay.

Beyond other impacts on work, the implementation of generative AI in entertainment content production will bring changes in the skills of creative workers, according to a survey developed by Variety Intelligence Platform (VIP+) in collaboration with HarrisX, conducted online by HarrisX among 150 U.S. media and entertainment decision-makers from May 2-13, 2024.

For almost all of the roles listed, the majority of professionals in the media and audiovisual industry expect the role to see a major or minor impact (i.e., any type of change in how the role is currently performed) from gen AI in the next two years. Animators, VFX artists, game developers, voice actors, and concept or storyboard artists are the top roles expected to see a major impact.

Generative AI has the potential to create new efficiencies in content creation processes in the media and entertainment industry. As noted in another VIP+ article, the majority of media and entertainment decision-makers say that the technology is being implemented or considered in some area of ​​their companies’ operations.

For Hollywood, adopting next-gen AI is possible but complicated. As next-gen AI education advances across the industry, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the technology can create exciting new efficiencies and growth opportunities.

Increased productivity is the main benefit that decision-makers in the M&E sector expect from gen AI. A similar percentage of respondents expect that gen AI will accelerate the delivery of some projects, which also suggests efficiency benefits.

Beyond efficiency, decision-makers anticipate even more proProductivity gains are significant, with 27% expecting next-gen AI to improve the quality of work. Whether this expectation holds true depends on whether next-gen AI tools can meet the high production standards of premium content, particularly in Hollywood.

However, ethical implementation is essential for media and entertainment companies to avoid downstream liabilities from the use of generative AI. While nuances apply to actors, artists, and writers alike, a basic requirement of consent, control, and compensation (the “3 Cs”) is commonly mentioned regarding the training, creation, and use of AI models to replicate their likeness (face, voice) or style (visual art, music, or writing).

A strong majority of media and education workers and consumers agree that permission should be required in common scenarios where generative AI is used for AI training and style or likeness replication.

“Generative AI represents a transformative opportunity for the media and entertainment industry, promising increased efficiency and new growth prospects. Our collaboration with Variety Intelligence Platform demonstrates an evolving AI landscape where decision-makers are increasingly integrating these new technologies into their operations,” said Dritan Nesho, Principal Investigator and CEO of HarrisX.

“At the same time, while the technology offers potential for increased productivity and project acceleration, its impact on creative standards and workforce dynamics needs to be carefully assessed. Our findings underscore the importance of ethical considerations and consent frameworks as integral to the responsible use of generative AI in content production.”

Variety VIP+ Explores Generation AI From Every Angle — Pick a Story

Click below to access additional survey data and an in-depth analysis of how generative AI is being used and considered in film and television production. The full 31-page report includes a six-page section of charts from original quantitative surveys conducted with 1,001 U.S. consumers, 308 media and entertainment workers, and 150 media and education decision makers.

Dive into the VIP+ Subscriber Report now…

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