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Hollywood car dealer accused of taking money for vehicle without delivering it, and it's not the first time

Hollywood car dealer accused of taking money for vehicle without delivering it, and it's not the first time


HOLLYWOOD, Florida A South Florida car dealership is accused of taking $275,000 from a customer and failing to deliver.

This customer, Alan Sue, admits he made a huge mistake by purchasing the Mercedes G-Wagon online, sight unseen.

This isn't the first time Local 10 News has reported on Dream Auto Collection in Hollywood.

You sent $275,000 of your hard-earned money to people you don't even know? How do you do that? asked Local 10 member Jeff Weinsier.

I'm an idiot, Jeff, Sue replied. It looked so good. They made it look so good.

After years of searching, Sue found her dream vehicle online at Dream Auto Collection on Pembroke Road in Hollywood.

This is a 2023 Mercedes Benz G63 with the extremely rare Brabus package.

Sue now says it was the biggest mistake of her life.

Seriously Jeff, I thought about killing myself, he said. I'm being honest, I was stupid and an idiot.

Sue lives 4,600 miles away in Hawaii. When he saw the pictures online, at age 78, he decided it was time.

The AG-Class is the ultimate off-road Mercedes, and that’s what I wanted, Sue said. So I called them and they answered the phone right away. I spoke to someone named Victor who told me he was the owner of the company.

This bill of sale is stamped and signed by someone at Dream Auto Collection with an agreed price of $275,000.

In an email, Victor gave Sue a routing number and banking information.

According to bank records provided by Sue, $275,000 was transferred to Dream Auto on April 12 from two different banks.

He acknowledged receiving both cables and that he would send me the car, Sue said.

But the G Wagon never arrived at the port of San Diego to be shipped to Hawaii.

At this point, I'm worried because we've missed two shipping deadlines, he said. I've tried calling them, I've tried emailing them, I've tried texting them, and they're not responding.

Weinsier went to Dream Auto to try to get some answers.

He found Oleg Tyulenev. State records indicate that he is the president of Dream Auto.

No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to talk to you, Tyulenev said.

Why not? Weinsier asked, showing pictures of the G Wagon. Where is that car?

That's it, end of story, Tyulenev replied.

“This is not the end of the story, this is the beginning of the story,” Weinsier said. The guy is suicidal. This happened in April. He hasn't heard from you.

Last year, Weinsier was at Dream Auto after a Georgia couple sent them more than $15,000 for a used Lexus they never received.

That car was sold to someone else and the couple's requests for reimbursement were ignored until Local 10 News got involved.

“We've been through this before,” Weinsier told Tyulenev. “You all did this to the Georgians? Do you think you'll get out of this?”

That's it, we're done talking, Tyulenev said, closing the garage door.

Half an hour after this confrontation, Viktor called Sue and claimed that he was on vacation in Russia and even sent her a photo.

Viktor apologized for a misunderstanding and told Sue that they had sold the G Wagon to someone else.

Viktor told Sue he would come back in August and issue a refund.

Sue filed a complaint with the FBI, the Hollywood Police Department and the state attorney general's office in Tallahassee.

The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is aware of Sue's case and what happened.

No one will confirm if they are investigating.

Copyright 2024 by WPLG – All rights reserved.




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