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The Sphere made a spectacular debut. This year's July 4th show could be better Whittier Daily News

The Sphere made a spectacular debut. This year's July 4th show could be better Whittier Daily News
The Sphere made a spectacular debut. This year's July 4th show could be better Whittier Daily News


People watch and film the 2023 Fourth of July fireworks display in Las Vegas. (James Schaeffer/Las Vegas Review-Journal/TNS)

John Katsilometes | (TNS) Las Vegas Review

LAS VEGAS The Sphere celebrates its first anniversary since it gained worldwide fame by jumping into the mainstream.

Sphere Fourth of July Celebration, a new show on the Exosphere, will air at 9:30 p.m. and 11:40 p.m. on July 4. XO Stream, the Exosphere’s official 24/7 livestream, will premiere at 9:30 p.m. on July 4 and will be available on and the venue’s official YouTube page. XO Audio, the custom sound system synchronized to the Exosphere’s shows, will debut concurrently with the livestream and can also be heard live on the Sphere property.

Before all this activation, Sphere officials honor the Las Vegas student artists who participated in theSphere XO Student Design Challengewith an awards ceremony.

Jim Dolan, executive chairman and CEO of Sphere Entertainment, said this modernization of the bulbous wonder is just the beginning.

“Sphere has become a global landmark that has redefined the live experience, including the Exosphere, a captivating platform for storytelling since it first lit up on July 4,” Dolan said in a statement. “We’ve only scratched the surface of what Sphere is capable of, both creatively and technologically. Today, with the addition of XO Audio and XO Stream, we’re deepening our commitment to immersive experiences that create a deeper, multi-sensory connection that can be shared across the Las Vegas community and around the world.”

The show is presented by Verizon and the content was created and developed by Sphere Studios, which develops all live entertainment technology for Sphere. The July 4 show highlights America’s entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, according to a press release detailing the July 4 lineup:

The show will begin with a celebration of the architecture of Spheres and its impact on the Las Vegas skyline.

This will be followed by a creation centered around the stars and stripes and will continue with a nod to the history of Nevada and the Wild West.

Spheres' most impressive Exosphere content from the past year will then be transformed into a montage, followed by an innovative creative piece that will turn Sphere on its head and showcase the venue's interior as a temple of the arts.

The show will end with a digital fireworks display on the Exosphere.

The exospherewas first animated on July 4, 2023,The Exosphere, which immediately garnered international attention and recognition, has never wavered. The world's largest LED display, the Exosphere, with an area of ​​580,000 square feet, consists of approximately 1.2 million LED pucks. It is capable of displaying over a billion colors.

“This July 4, we celebrate Exosphere and all the ways it amazes and connects audiences around the world, building on its impact and reach,” said Jennifer Koester, President and COO of Sphere. With the launch of XO Audio and XO Stream as part of the Exosphere experience, brands and artists can create an even more immersive experience live and on social.

Las Vegas Review 2024-Journal. Distributed byTribune Content Agency, LLC.




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