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Concert Review: Gen Z’s Perspective on Search KidDin’s “Gemuruh” Show

Concert Review: Gen Z’s Perspective on Search KidDin’s “Gemuruh” Show


In an epic celebration of rock music, Search KidDin brought the house down at Zepp KL in Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur with their Gemuruh concert.

Held last Saturday, the highly anticipated event saw the dynamic duo of Nordin Mohd Taib (Din) and Hamzah Mohd Taib (Kid) make a comeback, much to the delight of their ardent fans.

As someone who didn't personally experience the legendary era of iconic rock band Search, and who doesn't identify as a true rock fan, I was beyond excited to have my first concert experience with Search KidDin.

It was an unforgettable night. I have always been drawn to the sound of percussion and electric guitars; there is something about these instruments that resonates deeply with me. The concert did not disappoint in this regard, as each member of the band on stage delivered remarkable performances.

It is amazing to think that Kid and Din, both nearly 60 years old, played with such energy and precision for two straight hours. With every pluck of their fingers, every guitar riff seemed almost magical, producing electrifying sounds and music.

I was particularly captivated by Jovita Pearl; her voice and performance reminded me of Malaysia’s iconic rock queen, Ella. But, without a doubt, the star of the show was the lead singer, Amir Masdi.

At first, I didn't know much about him and had low expectations, especially considering the challenge of living up to the standards set by Datuk Suhaimi Abdul Rahman (Amy Search).

But Amir didn't disappoint. He was charismatic, stylish and demonstrated great chemistry with the other members of the group. His interaction with the fans was equally impressive.

But what left me speechless was his singing. Performing high-pitched rock songs continuously for two hours is no mean feat, but Amir's performance remained consistently exceptional.

Beyond the phenomenal performances, the unbridled enthusiasm of the 2,000 spectators present in a sold-out venue was a spectacle not to be missed. Most of the spectators appeared to be over 30 years old, some appeared to be in their 50s and 60s, all dressed like true rockers.

It was heartwarming to see these men and women having fun, after experiencing Search's rise to fame. They seemed to be reliving their youth, feeling young again.

In front of me were three men, probably in their forties, who caught my attention with their absolute enjoyment of every minute of the concert. Singing, hugging their friends, they clearly recalled their bright youth.

Everyone at Zepp KL seemed to share this sentiment. Search KidDin did more than just rock; they reminded everyone of their beautiful, fun-filled, and chaotic youth. It was definitely an unforgettable night for all.

Search KidDin members posed for a photo with the 2,000 fans who attended their Gemuruh concert at Zepp KL yesterday. Photo source: Big Stage Entertainment Channel.

Search KidDin members posed for a photo with the 2,000 fans who attended their Gemuruh concert at Zepp KL yesterday. Photo source: Big Stage Entertainment Channel.

Organized by Big Stage Entertainment Channel in cooperation with My Muzik Sendiri Entertainment and redONE, the concert kicked off at 8pm and lasted for 150 electrifying minutes.

The performance featured Kid on lead guitar and Din on rhythm guitar, backed by drummer Min, bassist Rozaimie of Barbarik and charismatic vocalist Amir.

The star-studded event also included guest artists Ritz Metalasia, Muzza, Addy Cradle, Rozario Rasul, Ujang Exist, Fly Halizor and X-Factor Indonesia Season 4 Champion Jovita Pearl. This lineup ensured a display of exceptional musical talent throughout the night.

A moving tribute to the late Yazit Ahmad, the iconic Search drummer who passed away in 2019, was one of the highlights of the concert.

The night ended on a high note, leaving fans eager for KidDin’s next rock show. As the final chords echoed through the venue, it was evident that the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll was alive and well in Kuala Lumpur.




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