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Punjabi Artists: ETimes Exclusive: Is Bollywood the ultimate benchmark of success for Punjabi artists? |

Punjabi Artists: ETimes Exclusive: Is Bollywood the ultimate benchmark of success for Punjabi artists? |


In recent years, Bollywood has served as an important platform for Punjabi Artistscatapulting many to mainstream recognition across India. Diljit Dosanjh, with his charismatic presence and versatile talent, is a perfect example of this. From his breakthrough debut in Udta Punjab to his memorable roles in Phillauri and Good Newz, Diljit has seamlessly transitioned from Punjabi cinema to creating a niche in Bollywood.
Jimmy Sheirgill, another important figure, has not only excelled in Punjabi cinema but has also left an indelible mark in Bollywood with notable performances in films like Mohabbatein, Munna Bhai MBBS and the series Tanu Weds Manu. His journey reflects the cross-pollination of talents between Punjabi and Hindi cinema.
Moreover, Punjabi music has long been an integral part of Bollywood soundtracks, contributing to the industry’s vibrant musical landscape. Artists like Yo Yo Honey Singh, Guru Randhawa and Badshah have dominated the charts with their catchy melodies, highlighting the cultural influence of Punjabi music nationwide. However, despite these successes, there remains a prevailing stereotype that the ultimate validation of a Punjabi artist comes from being recognised in Bollywood. This perception often overshadows the thriving Punjabi film industry, where artists like Gippy Grewal, Dev Kharoud, Neeru Bajwa and Amrinder Gill have thrived without necessarily aiming for Bollywood stardom. ETimes delves into the narrative of the Punjabi film industry thriving without necessarily aspiring to Bollywood stardom.
“Superstars see no limits”
This debate raises intriguing questions about cultural identity, artistic validationand the evolving dynamics of regional cinema versus mainstream cinema in India. As Punjabi artistes continue to make waves both in Hindi and in their regional industries, the debate around Bollywood as a benchmark of success for Punjabi stars invites a deeper exploration of the complexities of India’s diverse entertainment landscape. Sharing her take on the debate, Punjabi star Ammy Virk, who will soon be seen in the Bollywood film Bad Newz, said, “I still haven’t really set foot in Bollywood. Gippy paji (Gippy Grewal) ne konsi ki hai Bollywood ki filme, Amrinder Gill ne konsi ki hai (How many Bollywood films have Gippy Grewal or Amrinder Gill done?) Tarsem Jassar, Gurnam Bhullar, Jayy Randhawa, Dev Kharoud, how many Hindi films have they done? Yet, they are all superstars.” And they work so well that their film openings are in crores. They do three to four films a year, obviously, they are superstars, that's why they do it. So yeah, it's just a stereotype.”

Breaking the “regional” barrier
Sonam Bajwa has shared the stage with some of the biggest names in B-Town and her experience has been extremely inclusive. Sonam Bajwa, who has been on many Bollywood tours with the likes of Akshay Kumar, Nora Fatehi and Mouni Roy among others, says, “In Mumbai, no one has ever made me feel like I don’t belong there. I have toured many times and no artist or staff has ever made me feel like I am a regional artist. And wherever I have performed, be it in India or abroad, the enthusiasm and love of the audience has never made me feel any different. I have never felt like the actors who were travelling with me have done Bollywood films, and I have only done regional films. So, I don’t feel any lesser for not having done a Bollywood film.”

She acknowledged the appeal of a bigger platform and a wider audience that comes with working in Hindi cinema and added, “Yes, we all want a bigger platform and a wider audience, and that’s what happens when you work in a Hindi film. Having said that, my house runs on Punjabi cinema, I’ve been recognised for it, it’s brought me all the love, and like I said before, the love from people has never made me feel lesser in any way.”
Filmmaker Pawan Gill, known for directing blockbuster films like Honsla Rakh, Kudi Haryane Val Di, Super Singh and Puadaa, shared insightful views on the subject. His experience as an assistant director at Yash Raj Films early in his career underlines his understanding of the regional and national dynamics within the Indian film industry. Agreeing with Sonams, he said, “Hindi film industry is a national industry with a wide reach across the country, so all the actors across the country are looking to attract a large audience, but these days, the films are becoming more and more popular.” regional cinema in their own languages, there is so much interest in dubbing their films into Hindi that making a film in Hindi is no longer the benchmark.
Reflecting on the diversity in the industry, he added, “Yes, everyone loves diversity in work, and Hindi cinema being national, it’s great for any talent to work in this industry.”
How important is the Bollywood validation label?
Jatt & Juliet 3 director Jagdeep Sidhu added a different perspective to the discussions, pointing out that Bollywood defines success for Punjabi artists: “It’s not that those who go to Bollywood are the only ones who succeed. But Bollywood is our national industry, and everyone wants their films to reach a wider audience. This applies to all fields; just like a sportsperson starts at the state level and aims for the national stage, we make films in our regional languages. If we excel there, naturally, people in Bollywood take notice.”

Sidhu stressed that a stint in Bollywood does not automatically validate a person's success in the Punjabi film industry, comparing it to a cricketer performing well for the Indian team while needing to excel in Punjab's Ranji matches independently. His words underline the individual merit required to thrive in both Bollywood and Pollywood, highlighting the various challenges and aspirations within the Indian film industry landscape.
The last word: success conquers all
Monica Gill, known for her roles in Hindi films like Firangi and Paltan, as well as her significant presence in Punjabi cinema, said that the ultimate benchmark of success should not be an industry, but one's satisfaction. She said, “I have done two mainstream Hindi films and a number of Punjabi films. I believe success is defined by the satisfaction and joy you get from your work. If you are not satisfied doing Punjabi films, you will not be satisfied doing Hindi films either. In short, it doesn't matter.” Monica stressed that personal fulfillment and artistic satisfaction transcend industry labels, highlighting a broader vision of success in the world of entertainment.

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