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Actor Anup Soni shares video showing boxers on conveyor belt at Delhi airport

Actor Anup Soni shares video showing boxers on conveyor belt at Delhi airport


Actor Anup Soni shares video showing boxers on conveyor belt at Delhi airport

The video has accumulated over 269,000 views.

A video of a pair of colourfully printed boxers circling the baggage carousel at Delhi airport has gone viral on social media. Actor Anup Soni, who was waiting for his luggage at Terminal 2 of the airport, captured the hilarious incident on camera and shared it on Instagram earlier this month. The video shows the unclaimed boxers circling in circles as travellers look on in bewilderment. Throughout the video, no one comes forward to claim them. Towards the end of the video, a man even makes a surprising gesture towards the boxers.

“Yes, this incident happened in front of my eyes. At Conveyor Belt, Terminal 2, New Delhi. Hope whoever lost it found it,” the caption in Hindi read.

Watch the video below:

Since its release, the video has garnered over 269,000 views and over 8,000 likes. The unusual airport scene has left the audience in awe and even caught the attention of actors like Sudhanshu Pandey and Sharib Hashmi.

Reacting to the video, Mr Pandey jokingly asked, “Kachcha check in karke luggage pehen ke Gaya? (Did he check in his underwear and leave carrying his luggage?)” Mr Hashmi, on the other hand, hilariously wrote, “Kachchha, Toh Hum Chalte Hain. (In underwear, then we leave).”

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Meanwhile, in the comments section, one user wrote: “Very heavy item, so obviously needed to be taped. Seriously, someone's bag could have broken and this could have come out.” “I feel sorry for the guy who lost his underwear forever. He knows it's there, but he can't get it back. I feel sorry for him,” another expressed.

“Overweight luggage, sir, is also a priority,” joked another. “That’s called traveling light,” commented one Instagram user.

Meanwhile, in another similar incident at London Airport, passengers saw an unusual object on the conveyor belt. To their surprise, it looked like a “corpse” carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. However, the mystery was quickly solved when it was revealed that it was actually a designer lamp.

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