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Cisco patches NX OS zero-day exploited by Chinese actor Velvet Ant

Cisco patches NX OS zero-day exploited by Chinese actor Velvet Ant


Cisco Systems has patched a zero-day vulnerability in its NX-OS software that was exploited by malicious actors in attacks in April. Attackers used the vulnerability to install a new form of malware with root access on sensitive switches.

Cybersecurity firm Sygnia discovered and reported these incidents to Cisco. Sygnia attributed the attacks to a Chinese state-sponsored cyber espionage group it identifies as Velvet Ant. Amnon Kushnir, director of incident response at Sygnia, said, “Sygnia detected this exploit during a broader forensic investigation into the China-linked cyber espionage group we track as Velvet Ant.”

The hackers were able to obtain administrator-level credentials, which allowed them to access Cisco Nexus switches. They used this access to deploy previously unknown custom malware, allowing them to remotely connect to the compromised devices, download more files, and execute malicious code.

According to Cisco, the vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-20399can be exploited by local attackers with administrative privileges to execute arbitrary commands with root permissions on the underlying operating systems of vulnerable devices. Cisco also explained: “The vulnerability is due to insufficient validation of arguments passed to specific configuration CLI commands. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by including specially crafted input as an argument to an affected configuration CLI command. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system with root privileges.”

The vulnerability also allows attackers to execute commands without triggering system syslog messages, allowing them to effectively hide signs of compromise on compromised NX-OS devices. Cisco recommended that customers regularly monitor and change the credentials of the network-admin and vdc-admin administrative users. Cisco's Software Checker page can be used by administrators to check whether their network devices are vulnerable to attacks targeting CVE-2024-20399 vulnerability.

In a separate incident in April, Cisco warned of a state-sponsored hacking group, identified as UAT4356 and STORM-1849, exploiting multiple zero-day vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-20353 And CVE-2024-20359) in Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) firewalls since November 2023. This campaign, called ArcaneDoor, targeted government networks worldwide. The attackers used these vulnerabilities to install previously unknown malware that allowed them to maintain persistence on the compromised ASA and FTD devices. However, the initial attack vector used by the attackers to penetrate victim networks remains unidentified by Cisco.

Last month, Sygnia reported that Velvet Ant had targeted F5 BIG-IP devices with custom malware as part of a cyber espionage campaign. As part of this campaign, they maintained constant access to their victims’ networks, surreptitiously stealing sensitive customer and financial information for three years without detection.

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