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Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan honored by Locarno


Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan will be honoured by the Locarno Film Festival with its Honorary Leopard Award in recognition of his exceptional career in Indian cinema spanning more than 100 films “across a breathtaking multitude of genres”, it announced on Tuesday.

Khan, known in India as “King Khan,” will travel to receive the award on Aug. 10 at the Piazza Grande, an 8,000-seat open-air venue at the Swiss festival, where his 2022 love-triangle drama “Devdas” — in which Khan plays the title character, a tragic romantic alcoholic — will be screened, followed by an onstage conversation on Aug. 11. “Devdas,” which earned a BAFTA nomination and won multiple Indian awards, marked the first time many Western audiences were exposed to mainstream Bollywood.

“Welcoming a living legend like Shah Rukh Khan to Locarno is a dream come true!” Locarno Artistic Director Giona A. Nazzaro said in a statement.

Nazzaro went on to praise Khan as “a king who never lost touch with the audience that crowned him,” adding that “this courageous and daring artist has always been willing to challenge himself while staying true to what his fans around the world have come to expect from his films.”

Born in 1965 in New Delhi, Khan made his breakthrough with the romantic thriller Baazigar (1993), in which he played a murderous but sympathetic antihero on a quest for revenge. A few years later, he became a superstar with the romantic drama Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995) and the love story Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998). “At the same time, the enormity of his newfound fame did not prevent Khan from taking on different and ahead-of-the-time roles,” such as Rahul in Darr (1993), a romantic psychological thriller directed by Yash Chopra, and a journalist who falls in love with a terrorist in Mani Ratnam's epic Dil Se.. (1998), according to the Locarno profile. The festival's statement also noted that “Over the next two decades, Khan's career was marked by high-profile collaborations with some of India's most prominent directors and stars, earning him enormous international recognition as well.”

Khan was included in the Variety500 list of the top 500 global entertainment leaders of 2023 when, after a five-year hiatus following a series of box-office underperformances, during which he appeared only in cameos, he made a comeback with the two biggest hits of the year – “Pathaan” and “Jawan”, the latter produced by Red Chillies Entertainment, the production company and visual effects house he co-founded. Variety Khan noted that the great romantic star of the modern era “has reinvented himself as an action hero.” Khan is also a co-owner of the Indian Premier League cricket team, Kolkata Knight Riders, and the Caribbean Premier League team, Trinbago Knight Riders.

Previous recipients of the Locarno Leopard of Honor include Tsai Ming-liang, Francesco Rosi, Claudia Cardinale, Johnnie To, Harry Belafonte, Mario Adorf, Jane Birkin and Costa-Gavras.

The 77th edition of Locarno will take place from August 7 to 17.




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