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Stephen King reviews A Quiet Place: Day One: “A rare ‘great Hollywood film’”

Stephen King reviews A Quiet Place: Day One: “A rare ‘great Hollywood film’”



  • Stephen King praises
    A quiet place: first day
    as a rare “big Hollywood movie” that is both intimate and textured.
  • The film takes risks with a small cast and focuses on character development, bolstered by strong performances from Lupita Nyong'o and Joseph Quinn.
  • A quiet place: first day
    enriches the franchise by expanding the world, ensuring its continued success and popularity.

Stephen King shared his review of A quiet place: first day. The latest entry in Paramount's franchise, Day one released in theaters on June 28, facing tough competition Inside Out 2. However, Day one nonetheless managed a better opening weekend than the franchise and received largely positive reviews from critics.

It seems King agrees with the consensus. The novelist tweeted his honest reaction to the film, highlighting some of its biggest appeals. Check out the tweet below:

In his tweet, King called A quiet place: first dayThe rare “big Hollywood movie” that is both intimate and textured.“He went on to say: “(And the cat steals the show.)


A Quiet Place: The End of Day One Explained

A Quiet Place: Day One ends with a major character decision and a glimmer of hope. We break down the key aspects of the prequel's ending and what it means.

A Quiet Place: On Day One, Take Risks That Pay Off

Stephen King is right that Day One stands out from other “big Hollywood movies”

On the surface, A quiet place: first day This seems like a pretty safe bet for Paramount, and The king is right to call him a “big Hollywood movie” . “ It comes from an established franchise and boasts a star-studded cast including Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o and Strange things Joseph Quinn, which was a huge success. However, despite these signs that predispose it to success, the film still takes risks and stands out from similar films.

A quiet place: first dayThe relatively small cast of is one of its biggest gambles, with its size similar to that of the first A quiet place movie. Like this movie, Day one lives or dies based on the audience's connection to the characters and invests in their stories, which contributes to the intimacy King references in her review. It's no coincidence that many critics have called Nyong'o and Quinn's performances the film's strongest points, as they're essential to making the story work as well as it does.

The king also quotes Day one” “texture” a feeling that certainly comes across on screen. One of the attractions of the main film A quiet place One of the great things about movies is that the world feels rich and dynamic, immersing the audience almost instantly and pushing them to accept higher stakes. Day one does what a good prequel should do by fleshing out this world even further, thus enriching the entire franchise in the process. With A quiet place: first dayGiven the series' success and the positive response from critics and viewers like King, it's hard to imagine the series ending anytime soon.

Source: Stephen King




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