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May Cobb draws on her own Los Angeles story in The Hollywood Assistant

May Cobb draws on her own Los Angeles story in The Hollywood Assistant


Texas native May Cobb has delivered a series of action-packed summer reads. And now she’s back with a pool companion for 2024, The Hollywood Assistant.

The novel, which will be released July 9, stars Cassidy, an aspiring writer whose heartbreak drives her to move from Austin to Los Angeles. Her childhood best friend has found her a job as an assistant to a Hollywood couple: writer/producer Nate and his actress/model wife, Marisol.

What seems like a dream turns sour when Cassidy uncovers a dark underbelly in Nate and Marisol's seemingly perfect marriage. We caught up with Cobb to talk about his latest book and other things Hollywood.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

“The Hollywood Assistant,” by Texas native May Cobb, tells the twisting story of an aspiring writer whose broken heart drives her to leave Austin for Los Angeles, where she lands a job as an assistant to a Hollywood power couple.(Berkley)

You've set your novels in Texas before. What made you turn to Hollywood for this one?

I wanted to get away from East Texas for a moment and take on the task of describing something other than the Piney Woods. Having lived in Los Angeles for over 20 years, I wanted to delve into the darker aspects of L.A. in my memory: the winding streets that cut through the hills where you never knew what (or who) was around the corner; the steep, jagged cliffs of the Malibu area that overlooked the raging Pacific; and the way fact and fiction can often blur in Hollywood.

News roundup

Catch up on today's news you need to know.

You previously worked as a personal assistant in Los Angeles. How did that experience shape the book?

Like my heroine, Cassidy Foster, my best friend got me a job as a personal assistant to a married couple, writer/director Ron Shelton and actress Lolita Davidovich. And just like Cassidy, I was transported into an entirely new world with this dream job. But other than that basic setup, that’s where the similarities end, because my job continued to be a dream while Cassidy’s turned into a nightmare.

When Cassidy is asked to critique a script, she notes that the woman at the center of the story needs more agency. Female agency seems to be a recurring theme in your work. How important is it to you that your characters have the freedom to make (sometimes very bad) decisions?

I love this question, and thank you so much for asking it and for bringing this theme into my work. I’ve said that clinging to the right to depict women who behave in morally questionable and sometimes downright nefarious ways is the hill I’m willing to die on. I say this jokingly, but more seriously, with the increasing erasure, or threat of erasure, of women’s rights, I think it’s more important than ever to allow female characters to be just as messy, complex, and internally complicated as their male counterparts.

Your novel 2021, The hunting womenhas been adapted for television and will air later this year on Starz. How was that experience?

This has been one of the most incredible experiences of my career! Being able to visit the set in North Carolina multiple times, to see the cast and crew bring this story to life, is absolutely surreal! I feel very fortunate that The hunting women The adaptation is led by esteemed producer Erwin Stoff and talented showrunner and head writer Rebecca Cutter. I can’t imagine a better home for the series than Starz, which champions female voices. And the entire cast is dazzling!

What's next for you?

The details are still under wraps, but I can tell you that I'm back in my woodsy East Texas with another soapy, sensual thriller that I can't wait to share with readers!

The Hollywood Assistant

By May Cobb

(Berkley, 416 pages, $29, out July 9)




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