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Dragonfly Energy encourages young people with actor Jeremy Renner and the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus on an original project

Dragonfly Energy encourages young people with actor Jeremy Renner and the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus on an original project


  • Imagine: A Musical Collaboration with Jeremy Renner, will premiere on the opening night of Artown, a 31-day celebration held annually in Reno, Nevada and the largest arts and culture festival in the Western United States.
  • In collaboration with the RennerVation Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada, six youth ages 14 to 16 worked with the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus to write, record and produce an original song and accompanying music video.
  • The RennerVation Foundation, founded in Reno, Nevada, was created to provide foster children and at-risk youth with the opportunity to embrace a childhood filled with opportunity, growth and belonging.
  • The project was organized by Dragonfly Energy as part of its support for the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, which is powered by Dragonfly Energy’s Battle Born batteries. The non-toxic lithium batteries help the non-profit mobile recording studio improve its sustainability.

RENO, Nev., July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp. (Nasdaq: DFLI) (Dragonfly Energy or the Company), an industry leader in energy storage and maker of Battle Born batteriesspearheaded a collaboration that brought together innovation, music and youth imagination to write, record and premiere an original song and music video. Imagine: a musical collaboration with Jeremy Renneris the result of two days of writing, recording, producing and filming and was premiered at Artowna 31-day celebration held annually in Reno, Nevada, and the largest arts and culture festival in the western United States. The project was organized by Dragonfly Energy, which is supporting the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus in its transition to sustainability by providing Battle Born's non-toxic lithium batteries which power the mobile recording studio.

Six talented young people from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada has joined the team since John Lennon's Educational Tour Bus and worked alongside actor, musician and founder of the RennerVation FoundationJeremy Renner, to complete the project.

Jeremy Renner shoots a video with young musicians-min

“Music is a unifying and personal experience, and it’s meant to be shared,” Renner said. “I’m excited to be a part of this project and this community and have the opportunity to make a difference in children’s lives. The RennerVation Foundation was born out of the Rennervations show being filmed here, with the goal of being more effective and providing opportunities to troubled youth. This project has achieved that goal. Everyone involved is very supportive of this community, so it’s wonderful to be a part of it.”

Brian Rothschild, Co-Founder of the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, said, “It’s been an incredible two days here in Reno working with the youth, Jeremy Renner and the community. We do projects all over the country and this one was special to shine a light on youth in such a big way and give them a stage and an opportunity to be involved in something bigger than they can imagine. That’s what it’s all about. We’re excited to be here and partner with Dragonfly Energy, the RennerVation Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada on this collaboration.”

The Lennon Bus, a nonprofit mobile recording facility that provides hands-on experiences for students of all ages, has transitioned to lithium power, bringing a new level of sustainability, cost savings, and enhanced mobility and experience with additional battery range, as well as extended range through the availability of solar power from Battle Born Batteries and Dragonfly Energy.

“There are some projects that go beyond the business side of what we do, and this is definitely one of them,” said Tyler Bourns, Marketing Director of Dragonfly Energy. “We see this as a gift to the community and an opportunity to celebrate and encourage our youth while helping a worthy nonprofit move toward sustainability. We hope this project will have an impact beyond the individuals involved and that together, our community can continue to encourage young minds to achieve whatever they want.”

To see the result of this collaboration and the finalized clip, Click here.

For more information about Dragonfly Energy, visit

About Dragonfly Energy
Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp. (Nasdaq: DFLI) is a lithium battery technology company focused on cell manufacturing, battery pack assembly and complete system integration. With its renowned Battle Born batteries Dragonfly Energy has established itself as a leader in the lithium battery industry, with hundreds of thousands of reliable battery packs deployed in the field by leading OEMs and a diverse retail customer base. At the forefront of domestic lithium battery cell production, Dragonfly Energy’s patented dry electrode manufacturing process can provide chemistry-independent power solutions for a wide range of applications, including energy storage systems, electric vehicles and consumer electronics. The company’s core mission is the future deployment of its proprietary, non-flammable, all-solid-state battery cells.

To learn more about Dragonfly Energy and its commitment to clean energy advancements, visit

About the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus
The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus is the first nonprofit mobile recording center that provides hands-on experiences for students of all ages. Now in its 26th year of touring, the Lennon Bus features a Dolby Atmos studio equipped with the latest audio and video technology, equipment, and products. The concept began as an offshoot of the John Lennon Songwriting Contest, designed to provide opportunities for professional and amateur songwriters around the world, with proceeds supporting the Lennon Bus. The Lennon Bus travels throughout the United States and Canada year-round, offering free tours and workshops at schools, colleges and universities, festivals, on headliner tours, and at major industry conferences. Lennon Bus Europe began providing these same opportunities to young people across Europe when it launched in Liverpool, UK in May 2013. The Lennon Bus is made possible by Yoko Ono Lennon and the following sponsors and contributors: Apple, Inc., The Dolby Institute, Battle Born Batteries, NAMM Foundation, Westlake Pro, Gibson Gives, Audio-Technica, Genelec, Apogee, Roland, Epiphone, Triple G Ventures, Triad-Orbit, Reason Studios, Solid State Logic, Neutrik, Blackmagic Design, Grace Design, Avid, Universal Audio and Flock Audio.

About the RennerVation Foundation
The RennerVation Foundation is dedicated to helping foster children and at-risk youth by providing a safe haven and targeted programs to build skills, confidence, and opportunities. The organization believes that every child deserves a chance to thrive and reach their full potential, regardless of their circumstances. Through a combination of mentoring, educational support, and enrichment programs, the RennerVation Foundation strives to empower these young people to overcome challenges and build a brighter future while creating a community where all children feel valued, supported, and inspired to achieve their dreams.

About Big Brother Big Sisters of Northern Nevada
For over 100 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters has believed that every child has the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As the largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates meaningful, supervised encounters between adult volunteers (the Bigs) and children (the Littles), ages 6 to 18, in communities across the country. The RennerVation Foundation has an existing partnership with the local chapter through its founder and its involvement in the RennerVations show (Disney+).

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include all statements that are not statements of historical fact and statements regarding the Company's intent, belief or expectations, including, but not limited to, statements regarding its partnership with the John Lennon Educational Tours Bus, the RennerVation Foundation and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada, the Company's future results of operations and financial condition, anticipated products and services, business strategy and plans, market size and growth opportunities, competitive position and technology and market trends. Some of these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology, including may, should, expect, intend, will, estimate, anticipate, believe, predict, plan, target, project, could, continue, forecast or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar expressions.

These forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors (some of which are beyond the Company’s control) that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include those set forth in the sections entitled Risk Factors and Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in the Company’s subsequent filings with the SEC, available at:www.sec.govIf any of these risks materialize or if any of the Company's assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. There may be additional risks that the Company is currently unaware of or currently believes are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which they are made.

Media Resources
Watch the finished music video here
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Find the b-roll here

Investor Relations
Caldwell Bailey
ICR, Inc.
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Media Relations
Amy Demuth, RAD Strategies Inc.
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Source: Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp.

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Jeremy Renner with the six youth who participated in Imagine: A Musical Collaboration with Jeremy Renner in Reno, Nevada

Jeremy Renner with the six youth who participated in Imagine: A Musical Collaboration with Jeremy Renner in Reno, Nevada




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