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Cinespias lineup expands with sleepover and celebrity meet-and-greets at Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Daily News

Cinespias lineup expands with sleepover and celebrity meet-and-greets at Hollywood Forever Cemetery – Daily News


In Los Angeles, going to see a movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery is a rite of passage. “I’ve heard that if you don’t go to Cinespia, you’re not really an Angeleno,” John Wyatt, Cinespia’s founder, said with a laugh in a recent phone call. “I hope that’s true.”

Cinespia, presented by Amazon MGM Studios, is a cornerstone of the entertainment capital’s diverse moviegoing experiences. John Wyatt started Cinespia in 2001 as a passion project. It began as a small film club to watch classic films with friends, but has since evolved into a community event, attracting up to 4,000 moviegoers to each scheduled event at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.

For Wyatt, Hollywood Forever was the perfect setting for a fledgling film club. When a friend who worked at the cemetery mentioned that the owners were willing to host events, Wyatt saw an opportunity. Twenty-three years later, the event has become a massive Los Angeles mainstay.

“In addition to being the home of Cinespia, it’s a great historical place because there’s a lot of Hollywood history here. A lot of people who worked on movies in the golden age are buried there,” he said. “It’s right next to Paramount Studios and Gower Studios. It’s in the center of all that history, and it’s a lovely place with architecture from the last 100 years. There’s a lake and then this giant lawn where people can sit. Not on graves, of course.”

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This year, Cinespia’s annual summer movie series continues to draw moviegoers who come to lounge on the cemetery lawn, often with picnic blankets and filled baskets, as the event allows attendees to bring their own beverages. Last week, they announced an additional film screening for July in addition to their August lineup.

Prime Video will host a free screening of its new animated series, “Sausage Party: Foodtopia,” on Wednesday, July 10. The series is based on the 2016 animated feature film “Sausage Party,” which follows Frank, Brenda, Barry and Sammy as they attempt to start their own food company. It premieres on Thursday, July 11.

Over the years, Cinespia has occasionally invited movie stars, including Demi Moore, Drew Barrymore, Paul Reubens and Elizabeth Berkley, who have surprised guests with mini panels, though these appearances are typically never announced in advance. However, for “Sausage Party: Foodtopia,” fans can expect to be joined by stars Seth RogenKristen Wiig and Sam Richardson for the first three episodes of the highly anticipated series.

“One of our favorite things to do is bring actors to Cinespia for talks and surprise appearances,” Wyatt said. “It’s also challenging because it takes a lot of planning, because we do our best as a team to keep it a secret so that we have a special moment that the audience has no idea about and suddenly the star of the movie is there in person, in front of them. That’s one of the great things about having Cinespia in Los Angeles.”

Attendees of the “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” screening will also receive complimentary treats, photo ops and other surprises throughout the evening.

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Cinespia also hosts its annual Slumber Party, featuring a special back-to-back screening of “Bring It On” and “The Virgin Suicides.” Wyatt points out that this tradition has been a staple for nearly a decade, with celebrations lasting until 2:30 a.m. Attendees can enjoy drinks, food and dancing, thanks to an in-house DJ and a dedicated dance floor.

“The sleepover has become very popular and a lot of our guests dress up, whether it’s in pajamas or something related to the movie, and it’s just fun,” Wyatt said. “We always have a few extra activities during the sleepover, with more photoshoots, some surprises and giveaways, and we’re excited to be able to continue the tradition.”

The August program includes ” Bridesmaids “ on Saturday, August 3; “True Romance” on Saturday, August 10; “My Old Ass” on Friday, August 16; “Bring It On” and “The Virgin Suicides” as part of Cinespia’s annual sleepover on Saturday, August 17; and “The Nightmare Before Christmas” on Saturday, August 24.

As for the future of Cinespia, Wyatt hopes it remains a key part of Los Angeles’ rich history. While the films are the highlight, Wyatt believes the real stars are the memories and the gatherings of loved ones under the roofs of Los Angeles, reunited for a film.

“A few years ago, this woman came to me and told me that her whole family had promised a few years ago to have their family reunion at the Slumber Party,” Wyatt said, adding that every year the family comes from all over the country to reunite at Cinespia.

“It’s been an extraordinary privilege to witness all of this. I’ve had a front-row seat to watch it all unfold. From what people have told me over the years, they appreciate having a place like this, they feel like they’re part of a community in Los Angeles. It’s not often that we really get that feeling. We’re part of Hollywood history now, and we’re so grateful for that.”




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