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7 Bollywood Movies With Sad Endings That Broke Our Hearts

7 Bollywood Movies With Sad Endings That Broke Our Hearts


Movie buffs love happy endings in movies and take comfort in them. However, there are many Bollywood movies with sad endings that have managed to keep us extremely captivated by the story. These movies take the viewer on a roller coaster of emotions and even make them cry at times. Here is a list of movies with heartbreaking endings that are a must-watch.

7 Bollywood Movies With Sad Endings That Will Make You Cry:

1. Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela

  • Duration : 2 hours 35 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 6.4/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Drama
  • Main actors of the cinema: Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Supriya Pathak
  • Director: Sanjay Leela Bhansali
  • Writer: Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Siddharth-Garima
  • Release year: 2013
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: JioCinema

Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela is one of the sad ending films Bollywood has made. It is the story of two star-crossed lovers, Ram and Leela, whose families are long-standing rivals. The climax, where they end up shooting each other, is one of the most tragic scenes in Indian cinema. The chemistry between Ranveer and Deepika in the film is a delight to watch.

2. Looting

  • Duration : 2 hours 16 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.4/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Drama
  • Main actors of the cinema: Ranveer Singh, Sonakshi Sinha, Barun Chanda, Vikrant Massey
  • Director: Vikramaditya Motwane
  • Writer: Bhavani Iyer, Anurag Kashyap
  • Release year: 2013
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: Amazon Prime Video/Disney+ Hotstar/JioCinema

The next Bollywood movie with a sad ending is Lootera. It tells the story of Pakhi, whose heart is broken by Varun, who pretends to be an archaeologist. When they meet again, he gives hope to Pakhi, who is dying of tuberculosis. But unfortunately, they were not meant to stay together forever.

3. Ishaqzaade

  • Duration : 2 hours 11 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 6.5/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Action
  • Main actors of the cinema: Arjun Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra, Gauahar Khan
  • Director: Habib Faisal
  • Writer: Habib Faisal, Aditya Chopra
  • Release year: 2012
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: Amazon Prime Video

Ishaqzaade is also among the list of Bollywood romantic movies that end badly. It follows the journey of Zoya and Parma, who belong to different political families who hate each other. Their relationship starts with a lie, but when they give their love a second chance, their families stand in the way. They eventually have to kill each other to not let the hatred win.

4. Rockstar

  • Duration : 2 hours 37 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.7/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Musical/Drama
  • Main actors of the cinema: Ranbir Kapoor, Nargis Fakhri, Aditi Rao Hydari, Kumud Mishra, Shammi Kapoor
  • Director: Imtiaz Ali
  • Writer: Imtiaz Ali
  • Release year: 2011
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: JioCinema/ZEE5

Rockstar tells the story of a college student, Janardhan, who wishes to break his heart to make it as a musician. As he falls in love with Heer, life takes him on a roller coaster journey that ends in a loss and his transformation into a rock star. The film was highly appreciated by the audience, and the craze was evident even during its re-release in 2024.

5. Fan

  • Duration : 2 hours 48 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.1/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Thriller
  • Main actors of the cinema: Aamir Khan, Kajol, Rishi Kapoor, Kirron Kher, Tabu
  • Director: Kunal Kohli
  • Writer: Kunal Kohli, Shibani Bathija
  • Release year: 2006
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: Amazon Prime Video

Fanaa is another Bollywood film that ends badly. Zooni, a blind girl, falls in love with Rehan, a tour guide, during her trip to Delhi. However, Rehan hides his true identity from her. Zooni tragically ends up killing her lover when he threatens the country.

6. Rank of Basanti

  • Duration : 2 hours 39 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 8.1/10
  • Film genre: Police/Drama
  • Main actors of the cinema: Aamir Khan, Siddharth, Sharman Joshi, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kapoor, R Madhavan, Atul Kulkarni, Waheeda Rehman, Alice Patten
  • Director: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra
  • Writer: Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Kamlesh Pandey, Rensil DSilva, Prasoon Joshi
  • Release year: 2006
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: Netflix

Rang De Basanti, one of the most loved Hindi films, tells the story of a group of students who are selected to play Indian freedom fighters in a documentary. As they discover their sense of patriotism and desire to make a change, they rebel against the government. They don't have a happy ending but manage to make an impact on the citizens of India.

7. Kal Ho Naa Ho

  • Duration : 3 hours 6 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.9/10
  • Film genre: Romance/Drama
  • Main actors of the cinema: Shah Rukh Khan, Preity Zinta, Saif Ali Khan, Jaya Bachchan
  • Director: Nikhil Advani
  • Writer: Karan Johar, Niranjan Iyengar
  • Release year: 2003
  • Where to watch / OTT platform: Netflix

Kal Ho Naa Ho is a classic Bollywood love story that revolves around Naina, Aman and Rohit. Aman is Naina's new neighbour, who brings happiness into her life, while Rohit is her best friend, who is in love with her. While Naina and Rohit get their happy ending together, she loses Aman to a fatal disease, making the situation bittersweet.

Other Bollywood movies that have a sad ending include Aashiqui 2, Devdas, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Sanam Teri Kasam, etc. Which of the above movies made you cry the most? Let us know in the comments section.

READ ALSO : Top 7 Motivating Bollywood Movies For Students To Binge-Watch




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