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Post Malone Reclaims No. 1 Spot With 'I Had Some Help': NPR

Post Malone Reclaims No. 1 Spot With 'I Had Some Help': NPR


Post Malone took back the throne this week.

Post Malone took back the throne this week.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images for Stagecoach

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Amy Sussman/Getty Images for Stagecoach

Sabrina Carpenter's song hit No. 1 last week, but Post Malone's song I Had Some Help, featuring Morgan Wallen, reclaimed her throne for a sixth week atop the chart. Billboard Top 100 Songs Ranking. On the Billboard In the top 200 albums chart, while no other artist has yet seriously challenged Taylor Swift's supremacy, five other female artists have joined her in the top 10.


We seem to be settling into a summer rhythm on the Billboard 100, with the same four artists rotating in the top five spots from week to week.

Post Malone’s “I Had Some Help,” featuring Morgan Wallen, only momentarily lost its No. 1 spot. After briefly losing the lead to Sabrina Carpenter’s “Please Please Please” with a week at No. 2, “I Had Some Help” is back on top, making it the longest-running No. 1 of 2024 so far.

Behind that: Shaboozeys’ A Bar Song (Tipsy) at No. 2, Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” at No. 3, and Sabrina Carpenter occupying the No. 4 and No. 5 spots with her double-shot duet of “Espresso” and the aforementioned “Please Please Please,” which fell rather precipitously from No. 1 to No. 5 in its second week.


Filed under “not really news”: Taylor Swift’s album The Department of Tortured Poets continues its reign at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 albums in the chart for the tenth consecutive week. (Boring, I know, sorry.)

To be filed under “this is indeed some kind of news”: for the first time this decade, BillboardRemarksFemale artists constitute the majority among the Billboard 200 top 10 spots. Right behind Swift is breathtaking singer-songwriter Gracie Abrams The secret of usdebuting at number two. (Did you know she's the daughter of TV director and showrunner JJ Abrams? I didn't know that!)

The rest of this female-dominated lineup: Billie Eilish Hit me hard and soft dropped to 4th place this week;eccentric Chappell Roan's new royal pop The Rise and Fall of a Midwestern Princess continues its steady rise, gaining two places to reach 6th place. (Roans' song, Good Luck, Babe!, which doesn't even appear on the album, also makes its way onto the charts. Billboard 100, landing this week at No. 11.) Also part of this team of superwomen: Ariana Grande Eternal sun moved up to 8th place, up from 23rd place last week (due to a new,sign edition for sale), while Charlie XCX maintains his No. 9 position with his album Kid.

Meanwhile: Morgan Wallen and his album One thing at a timewhich has now remained on the albums chart for 69 weeks, moves up one spot to 3rd, while its Dangerous: The Double Album moved up from 10th to 7th place. Rounding out the top 10 (with the exception of one entry that I'll note in a bit more detail below) was Shaboozeys Where I've been is not where I'm going.


The other album of the Billboard The top 5 of the 200 this week is 25-year-old Mexican singer Peso Pluma and his album love [Exodus]which debuts in the rankings this week at No. 5. This is actually not the first time Peso Pluma has reached the highest peaks of the rankings. Billboard 200; his 2023 album Genesis rose to number 3 last July.

The featherweights drug trafficker His lyrics have gotten his music banned in several Mexican cities, but he's clearly looking to much broader horizons these days: love features collaborations with artists including Cardi B, Quavo, DJ Snake and Brazilian singer Anitta, who recently appeared with Madonna during her closing performance of her Rio de Janeiro world tour.Copacabana Beach.




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