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GTA III Changed Gameplay For This Lord Of The Rings Actor

GTA III Changed Gameplay For This Lord Of The Rings Actor


In a new interview about his history with video games, actor Dominic Monaghan explained how GTA III changed his perception of gaming. Additionally, the star revealed that he continued playing GTA as recently as GTA V and shared his thoughts on the success story.

Reported by My citywithin the framework of GameSpot new series 'Star Players', host Lucy James interviews celebrities who love gaming and they share their gaming timeline. episode sees Dominic Monaghan join him. Monaghan is known for his roles in The Lord of the Rings, LOST, Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker as well as games such as Quantum Break.

For starters, the actor admits to playing Pac-Man and Pong when he was very young, but growing up, he was never a big gamer, unlike his siblings and friends in the 1990s. In the early 2000s, Monaghan moved to Los Angeles and Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood advised him to buy a PS2 instead of a standard DVD player. Dominic insisted that he was only going to watch DVDs and didn't need gameplay.

GTA III was a game changer

But a friend brought GTA III home and that's when everything changed. Monaghan says he couldn't believe how much gaming had improved and that Liberty City's soundtrack was “incredible.”

I couldn't believe that games were getting to this level, it was huge! The jump was just amazing and you know the soundtrack is amazing, all the options were amazing.

So from that point on, until today, instead of just watching TV and movies, like I used to, I thought, “Oh, well, you can play games too.”

Dominique Monaghan

Another thing he liked was the fact that GTA III offers so much freedom. He gave as an example the ability to steal any vehicle while in other games it was limited to certain cars. Speaking of cars, Dominic said that he felt like he became very good or rather like he became good at driving in GTA III.

Monaghan's thoughts on GTA V's story

His love for GTA continued and he played GTA V's story mode. The actor specifically spoke about his love for Franklin. However, he revealed that Michael irritated him, saying “I'm not crazy about Michael. He's fine, he's a little obnoxious.” As for Trevor, Monaghan sometimes felt dirty and needed a shower after playing with him, but he also enjoyed him at other times.

V was really cool. Amazing game.

Dominique Monaghan

You can watch the full interview hereFor more GTA VI and GTA Online news, stay tuned to RockstarINTEL and sign up for our newsletter for a weekly roundup of all things Rockstar Games.

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