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Behind the Scenes at Casey Wasserman's Birthday Party: Iger, Clinton, Imagine Dragons

Behind the Scenes at Casey Wasserman's Birthday Party: Iger, Clinton, Imagine Dragons


In recent years, Los Angeles entertainment and sports mogul Casey Wasserman has managed to be seen as his own man. A power player in his own right, not just the grandson of the late Hollywood mogul Lew Wasserman, but also the MCA/Universal boss and political adviser. In addition to recent industry acquisitions, including Paradigm’s music management and business company Brillstein Partners, he successfully led Los Angeles’ bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics and now heads the games’ organizing committee.

But on her 50th birthday, June 28, Wasserman reminded everyone of their relationship. took the family name as an adult; Lew is his maternal grandfather.)

Guests were photographed in a recreation of Nate 'n Al's, a beloved industry restaurant that was his and his grandfather's weekend hangout and where generations of dealmakers first met Casey. The setup included a sign that read “Lew 'n Casey,” in the restaurant's signature retro orange typography, that floated above the couple's shots along a wall in front of a vintage-style booth. Adding authenticity was Nate 'n Al's beloved waitress Gloria Leon, who is remembered About the service of the two, he came out of retirement for tableau vivant purposes, pouring coffee into a cup in a retro uniform.

Ben Bourgeois, a Hollywood event planner who once recreated New York restaurant Rao's for a LACMA fundraiser in producer Steve Tisch's Beverly Hills backyard, was behind the installation. Wasserman, through a representative, declined to comment on the event.

The party, which featured a performance by rockers Imagine Dragons and catering by Nobu and Jon & Vinny’s, was held in the Santa Monica airport’s massive Barker Hangar. Some of the 500 guests found the venue inopportune, as it invited jokes about how Wasserman’s longtime marriage to Laura Ziffren Wasserman — the music supervisor and daughter of Hollywood heavyweight lawyer Ken Ziffren — ended after he hooked up with a flight attendant, Jenny Chandler, who had worked on his private jet. (The Wassermans are now separated.)

The new lover, who now identifies professionally as a visual artist, was the host a lunch in Basel in Miami last December — was at the event, along with figures from the worlds of sports (Bob Kraft, Lance Armstrong) and entertainment (Bob Iger, Jim Gianopulos). Also present at Wasserman's party were political figures from the national Democratic Party who testified to his influence as a major party donor:Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Gavin Newsom and Doug Emhoff.




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