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Zac Efron fans 'baffled' by actor's appearance in new Netflix movie with Nicole Kidman, question his 'different face'

Zac Efron fans 'baffled' by actor's appearance in new Netflix movie with Nicole Kidman, question his 'different face'


Fans have once again asked about Zac Efron's appearance after watching his new Netflix movie, A Family Affair.

In the romantic comedy, which stars Nicole Kidman and Joey King, the 36-year-old actor appears with a noticeably wider jaw and stockier facial features, and viewers were quick to point out how different he now looks.

“I’m trying to watch #AFamilyAffair with #ZacEfron but I’m way too distracted by what he did to his beautiful face, why would he do that to himself?” wrote one X user while watching the new movie.

Another simply shared: “What did he do to his face???”

In 2022, the Baywatch star caused a stir when he showed off his dramatic new look, attributing it to a serious fall that allegedly “broke his jaw.”

Fans have been asking about Zac Efron's appearance again after watching his new Netflix movie, A Family Affair

Fans have been asking about Zac Efron's appearance again after watching his new Netflix movie, A Family Affair

Fans of the 36-year-old have pointed out his wider jaw and stockier facial features while watching the film, as well as a behind-the-scenes clip Zac posted on Instagram (seen)

Fans of the 36-year-old have pointed out his wider jaw and stockier facial features while watching the film, as well as a behind-the-scenes clip Zac posted on Instagram (seen)

Despite his explanation, fans continued to wonder about Zac's transformation after watching A Family Affair — as well as some behind-the-scenes footage the actor shared on his Instagram account.

“What happened to Zac Efron's face? Did he get a big filler? Up close he looks like he's 50,” one wrote.

Another added: “I can't be the only one who thinks Zac Efron looks weird with that face, I couldn't concentrate on the movie.

Others rushed to defend the star, citing her previous surgery following a serious fall years ago.

“A tweet about Zac Efron's face goes viral literally every month and every time someone has to explain what happened to his jaw and how he had to have reconstructive surgery and everything, that shit is tiring.”

In November, fans were surprised by his unrecognizable face in an interview he gave for Weekly Entertainment.

The actor was doing a promotional interview with the magazine for his film The Iron Claw at the time.

“What happened to his face??” one fan wrote, while another called his face “huge.”

Zac (seen in 2007) opened up in 2022 about his change in appearance, attributing it to a serious fall that

Zac (seen in a behind-the-scenes clip from A Family Affair) opened up in 2022 about his change in appearance, attributing it to a serious fall that

Zac (seen left in 2007 and right in a behind-the-scenes clip from A Family Affair) opened up in 2022 about his change in appearance, attributing it to a serious fall that “broke his jaw.”

He posed with Nicole Kidman in the Instagram video

He posed with Nicole Kidman in the Instagram video

Some have taken to X to defend Zac against angry criticism of his appearance.

Some have taken to X to defend Zac against angry criticism of his appearance.

Despite his explanation, fans continued to wonder about Zac's transformation after watching A Family Affair

Despite his explanation, fans continued to wonder about Zac's transformation after watching A Family Affair

“What happened to Zac Efron's face? Did he get a lot of fillers? Up close he looks like he's 50,” one user wrote.

Others have compared him to characters like Thanos from Avengers and even gone so far as to name Prince Farquaad from Shrek.

Other fans reminded everyone of his previous broken jaw.

In 2022, Zac appeared on the cover of Men's Health Magazineand explained what happened to his face – after plastic surgery rumors circulated since last year.

In his interview, Zac revealed that he had a serious accident at home which caused a massive transformation to his face.

The star told how he pulled on a pair of socks while running home, causing him to smash his chin against a granite fountain.

Zac said that when he was injured, the masseter muscles inside his face and jaw then “compensated” for his injury, causing them to grow larger – hence his remarkable transformation.

Breaking News: Zac Efron Fans Were Surprised By His Unrecognizable Face In A New Interview He Gave To Entertainment Weekly

Breaking News: Zac Efron Fans Were Surprised By His Unrecognizable Face In A New Interview He Gave To Entertainment Weekly

Their questions: Fans seemed shocked by his new interview, which was published on Monday.

Their questions: Fans seemed shocked by his new interview, which was published on Monday.

Other fans compared him to a movie character, while others recalled his broken jaw caused by an accident at home.

Other fans compared him to a movie character, while others recalled his broken jaw caused by an accident at home.

He explains that this explains why he looked so different at the time. “The masseters just grew. They got really, really big.”

The High School Musical star also claimed she didn't know he was a huge talking point on social media and had actually gone viral because of his different jawline, until her mom called to ask if he had gone under the knife.

“If I cared as much about what other people thought of me as they did, I certainly wouldn't be able to do this job,” he told the magazine.

In April 2021, Efron began making waves on Twitter after he was seen in a video for Earth Day! The Musical displaying a more prominent square chin and heavier jawline.

In the clip, Efron enthusiastically called Bill Nye a “genius” after hearing that he and Justin Bieber were working on a fictional Earth Day musical.

This led fans to speculate that the beautiful star had undergone plastic surgery.

The actor was doing a promotional interview with the magazine for his upcoming film The Iron Claw

which talks about the life of professional wrestler Kevin Von Erich and his family

The actor was doing a promotional interview with the magazine for his upcoming film The Iron Claw – which is about the life of professional wrestler Kevin Von Erich and his family.

Flashback: Zac starred in High School Musicla in 2006

Causing some commotion: Fans noticed his jawline looked very different in a 2021 Earth Day video and wondered if he had gone under the knife

Causing a stir: Fans noticed that Efron's jawline looked very different in a 2021 Earth Day video (pictured right) than when he starred in High School Musical (pictured left in 2006)

Zac Efron pictured at the Golden Globe Awards in January 2018 - three years before his downfall

Zac Efron pictured at the Golden Globe Awards in January 2018 – three years before his downfall

Big transformation: Efron's jawline has become much more pronounced since filming High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)

Big transformation: Efron's jawline has become much more pronounced since filming High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008)

New Look: The Iron Claw Movie's First Trailer Released in Mid-October

New Look: The Iron Claw Movie's First Trailer Released in Mid-October

Efron's friend Kyle Sandilands also spoke out on his behalf, saying the Baywatch star would never do such a thing, comparing him to an oil painting by one of the old masters.

The Australian radio host, who has known Zac for years, shut down speculation on The Kyle and Jackie O Show at the time.

“I would know if he had plastic surgery,” Kyle said, before telling co-host Jackie “O” Henderson that “of course” Zac had not had surgery.

He then said that there would be no point in the High School Musical darling having surgery because he is already very handsome.

“It's like buying a Picasso and asking a child to paint on it with his fingers. Why bother?” he said bluntly.




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