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America's upcoming live album preview featuring 1975 Hollywood Bowl concert recording of “Ventura Highway”

America's upcoming live album preview featuring 1975 Hollywood Bowl concert recording of “Ventura Highway”


Multi-platinum band America have announced the imminent release of their live album, America Live from the Hollywood Bowl 1975, Set for release on September 16, 2024, via Primary Wave Music. Previously available exclusively for Record Store Day, the upcoming album features never-before-seen recordings from the band’s iconic 1975 concert at the Hollywood Bowl, accompanied by a symphony conducted by the legendary George Martin. As a preview of what’s to come, the band has shared the first single from the set, fan-favorite “Ventura Highway.”

The above recording was recorded on August 3, 1975 at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, with symphonic accompaniment, allowing for unique interpretations of such classics as Sister Golden Hair, A Horse With No Name, Ventura Highway and others. Newly restored and remastered, the box set will be available on CD, a new red vinyl variant and digitally for the first time this fall.

If I remember correctly, this show at the Hollywood Bowl was planned to mark the summer of 1975. The release of our 5th album, Hearts, in March of that year had been a huge success and included our second No. 1 single, Sister Golden Hair, so we were at the top of our game. We had developed a great partnership with Sir George Martin the previous year with our first joint project in London, the album Vacation. And the realization of Hearts “The show at the Record Plant in Sausalito, California had been fun and creative. In the meantime, the live performances had evolved into a strong show, and we toured extensively that year, playing large sold-out venues,” Dewey Bunnell said via press release.

Gerry Buckley added: “We’ve played thousands of concerts throughout our career, but this special night with our dear friend and producer George Martin ranks right at the top of the list!” In a similar sentiment, Brunnell added: “Now, almost 50 years later, the recording of that night is finally available, and it sounds great. It’s the only complete live recording of the original trio, including Dan Peek and Gerry and me. I’m grateful to have this great recording of that special night in 1975!”

Listen to Ventura Highway and watch the lyric video below. Pre-order America Live from the Hollywood Bowl 1975. Scroll down to view the full collection tracking list.


  1. Miniature (live)
  2. Iron Man (Live)
  3. Muskrat Love (Live)
  4. Baby, it's your turn (live)
  5. Moon Song (Live)
  6. The old man took (live)
  7. Old Virginia (live)
  8. I need you (live)
  9. Lonely People (Live)
  10. Don't Cross the River (Live)
  11. Ventura Freeway (live)
  12. Glad to see you (live)
  13. Woman Tonight (Live)
  14. The Story of a Teenage Girl (Live)
  15. Midnight (live)
  16. Business (live)
  17. Hollywood (live)
  18. Daisy Jane (live)
  19. Sister Golden Hair (Live)
  20. A horse with no name (live)




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