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Chris Webb Remembers Veteran Actor Bill Cobbs, a Cleveland Native

Chris Webb Remembers Veteran Actor Bill Cobbs, a Cleveland Native


“At a pivotal moment in my life, his mentorship became a source I still draw on today.”

CLEVELAND Bill Cobbs was a Hollywood actor, Cleveland native, a verifiable legend and someone I am still honored to have called a personal friend over the years.

By the time we met, his status had been solidified by more than 200 appearances in films like “The Bodyguard,” “New Jack City” and “Night at the Museum.” But at a pivotal moment in my life, his mentorship became a source I still draw on today.

RELATED: Cleveland native Bill Cobbs, who appeared in more than 150 films and TV series, has died

The story begins in Cleveland Karamu Housethe oldest multicultural theatre in the country. In 2007, this local institution hosted a programme in which Mr. Cobbs and I were on a panel.

As you can imagine, I had a hard time figuring out what to say next to someone of his caliber, but that’s exactly where Mr. Cobb’s mentorship began. The warmth and charm that lit up thousands of screens became so personal. He saw the humanity in me and beckoned me to see the same in him.

At that event, I learned that he didn't start acting until he was 36, that he spent his entire life in the military and working various jobs in Cleveland before seeking the bright lights of Hollywood. And I believe that lived experience has given him insight into the journeys of others.

As I was set to start college in California the following month, what could have been a one-off encounter with the legend quickly turned into a real friendship between classes. I remember sitting at his house and watching him go through the scripts for Oz the Great and Powerful and many other hits.

But our relationship was never really about the movie business. With Mr. Cobbs as my only contact in Cleveland, California, I quickly became a regular at his house, spending weekends watching someone from my community do amazing things.

I wish I could pass on some of the wisdom behind his stories. There are so many lessons I will always remember, but the willingness to help the next person has become the most important one. If he could pick up the phone when I called him, then I could certainly do the same for those I mentor today. If he could represent the greatness of our city and our capabilities, then there is no excuse for us not to give it our all. And if he could mentor a young person in Cleveland at a critical crossroads in his life, then I have more work to do.

The last time I spoke with Mr. Cobbs was two weeks ago, on Father's Day, to wish him a happy 90th birthday. I know he would have loved to see his people prosper, to see hope in the eyes of the younger generation, and to see everyone, despite the odds, running fearlessly toward their dreams.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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