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Isha Ambani Swears By These Bollywood Movies That Make You Cry, Reveals Her Favourite Karaoke Song. Hint: They're SRK Movies | Trending

Isha Ambani Swears By These Bollywood Movies That Make You Cry, Reveals Her Favourite Karaoke Song. Hint: They're SRK Movies | Trending


Do you love sweet and emotional Bollywood movies that more often than not leave you with tears in your eyes? Isha Ambani The same goes for Bollywood movies that irritate her every time she watches them. Apparently, these movies have one thing in common: Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role.

In an interview, Isha Ambani shared the Bollywood films that left her teary-eyed. (File photo)
In an interview, Isha Ambani shared the Bollywood films that left her teary-eyed. (File photo)

In an interview with Vogue IndiaMukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani's daughter revealed that the Bollywood films that always make her cry are the holy trinity of Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Kal Ho Naa Ho. While the first two are directed by Karan Johar, the latter is directed by Nikkhil Advani.

She also revealed her favourite karaoke song besides talking about her favourite films. Can you guess what it is? I am a die-hard fan of Karan and Dharma, so I will sing any of his songs at the top of my lungs, she told the outlet.

Isha Ambani also spoke about always being on the paparazzi's radar, especially in the run-up to her younger brother Anant Ambani's wedding. Alone, scrolling through Instagram in a room with no noise and plenty of sunlight, she said of finding “me time”.

The Ambani scion, when asked what superpower she would like to have, chose invisibility. She added: “I just float around in different places that are really interesting, but no one knows I'm there.”

In a previous interview with the publication, she opened up about giving birth to her twins, Aadiya Shakti and Krishna, through IVF (in vitro fertilization). “I am very quick to say that my twins were conceived through IVF because that’s how it gets normalized, right?” she told Vogue India.

No one should feel isolated or ashamed. It's a difficult process. When you go through it, you're physically exhausted, she added.

Is one of your favorite movies on the list?




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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