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Amar Singh Chamkila: Bollywood's best film of 2024 hasn't even released in theatres | Opinion & Entertainment News

Amar Singh Chamkila: Bollywood's best film of 2024 hasn't even released in theatres | Opinion & Entertainment News


The Hindi film industry seems to be living in a bubble, a big bubble, but a bubble nonetheless where producers and industry experts like to blame OTT platforms for the failure of films in theatres. Every few weeks, an industry insider, or a film producer, comes out with a statement implying that they expect some form of cooperation from the audience who walk into a theatre after spending a fortune to watch a mediocre film that they already know is going to suck.

At least you have the option to turn it off when it turns into an incomprehensible mess at home, instead of watching it in a theatre where you would be stuck in a self-imposed prison that you paid for. In the last six months, Hindi cinema has suffered in theatres. One doesn't even have to look at the box office numbers and wonder about the state of the films, you can just watch these films (partly, at home) and you will know why the audience is no longer applauding films in theatres. There are only a few films in the first six months of 2024 that have offered an enjoyable viewing experience and the most notable of them have not even released in theatres. Netflix releases Amar Singh Chamkila.

Amar Singh Chamkila with Diljit Dosanjh In the title role, he plays the role of the murdered Punjabi singer. This is the film with which Imtiaz Ali, once a millennial favourite with films like Jab We Met and Rockstar until he lost his points with Jab Harry Met Sejal and Love Aaj Kal 2, got his mojo back. But it was Diljit Dosanjh who emerged as the actor people didn't expect from him in Chamkila. Over the last decade, Diljit has appeared in many Hindi and Punjabi films, but watching him here was a meditative experience. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Diljit's performance was perhaps the best Hindi film performance we have seen in recent years. You can create marketing campaigns around body transformations and how an actor did their own stunts, but there's no campaign for a performance that leaves you speechless, where you can't tell the difference between the actor and the character they played.

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Diljit Dosanjh in Imtiaz Ali's Amar Singh Chamkila. Diljit Dosanjh in Imtiaz Ali's Amar Singh Chamkila.

Amar Singh Chamkila had its fair share of flaws, but the idea of ​​the film's main character not being a good-for-nothing seemed novel, mainly because Hindi cinema has showered us with hagiographies where even Mohd Azhruddin was absolved of match-fixing. The execution of that opening number in Amar Singh Chamkila was enough to leave us gobsmacked, but what Diljit did with the rest of the film was an experiment that was hard to replicate.

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Amar Singh Chamkila doesn't have the box office numbers to prove it was a success. It doesn't have the medals to prove it was a success and so, perhaps like many other good films that came before it, this film might end up being an 'underrated gem' a few years down the line.

Bollywood industry pundits can hate OTT platforms all they want and film producers can chant ‘content is king’ till the end of time, but the quality of Hindi films releasing in the first six months of 2024 is laughable. It may not be the OTT model that is killing the film industry, but the films themselves. A rare Amar Singh Chamkila cannot save a sinking ship, but it surely serves as a reminder that good cinema lives on in the sea of ​​Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiyas and Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.




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