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All-Inclusive Golf Resorts: 9 Courses to Check Out in 2024 | Slideshows

All-Inclusive Golf Resorts: 9 Courses to Check Out in 2024 | Slideshows


There's nothing like playing golf in a tropical setting with a drink in hand. From courses that have hosted multiple PGA tournaments to courses reserved for resort guests, lists the best all-inclusive golf resorts for your next vacation.

Do you have to pay to play golf at all-inclusive resorts?

Not all all-inclusive resorts are includes green fees, but there are a significant number of all-inclusive resorts where golf is included in your nightly rate. The easiest way to find out is to call the resort before you book and ask. You can also usually find out if green fees are included on the resort's website.

You can also find all inclusive Resorts that include certain parts of your golf experience, such as transportation to a course or practice sessions. The resort may also limit the number of days you can play golf for free. However, many resorts include unlimited green fees.

The Best All-Inclusive Golf Resorts

The best all-inclusive golf resorts offer unique experiences. In addition to access to some of the world's most scenic golf courses, you'll also find luxurious accommodations, top-notch services, and fantastic cuisine, all included in one nightly rate.

Emerald Bay Sandals, Bahamas

Have you ever wanted to play golf along some of the most beautiful waters in the Caribbean? Emerald Bay Sandals is located on the Exuma Islands and has its own golf course along the coast. Greg Norman designed this 18-hole course, and six of the holes are located on their own peninsula, jutting out into the ocean.

Emerald Bay Golf Course is the longest in the Caribbean, with challenging fairways and coastline-hugging scenery. The all-inclusive rate includes unlimited green fees and up to five sets of tees to choose from. Don’t forget to download the Sandals Emerald Bay Golf Club app before you play to get a head start on the game.

Besides golf, there are many other activities to do in and around Sandals Emerald Bay. The resort is just a short boat ride from the famous Exuma Beach Pigs and other small islands that will make you feel like your own. PADI certified diving is also included in your stay, and what better place to dive than the Exumas?

Ochi Sandals, Jamaica

Sandals resorts have some of the most Complete all-inclusive packages of any all-inclusive resort. One of these inclusions is unlimited green fees on its golf courses. Sandals Golf CourseUpton Estates is one of the best on the island, having won awards from Golf Digest and Frommers Travel Guide.

Upton Estates features a driving range, putting greens and equipment rentals. Transportation to and from Sandals Ochi Golf Course is also included and takes approximately 15 minutes. The resort itself includes many other amenities, such as motorized water sports, daily entertainment and Jamaica's first speakeasy.

Ochi sandals is also a huge resort with three separate villages. There are 16 restaurants, a beach club, seven swimming pools, an over-water wedding chapel and much more to explore. The beachfront area is more lively while the garden area offers a more relaxing and secluded atmosphere.

Moon Palace Cancun, Mexico

Moon Palace in Cancun has a huge 27-hole golf course. The course is divided into three nine-hole courses: Dunes, Jungle and Lake. You can play a different course each day or combine two courses for a full day of golf.

In order to enjoy an all-inclusive golf experience at Moon Palace, you must add a golf packagePlayer amenities include access to the spa for a post-round soak, complimentary bag storage, an infinity pool with course views, a practice area with a driving range and chipping and putting greens, and much more.

Moon Palace is one of the best all-inclusive resorts in Cancun. Each room features a hot tub, private terrace, and premium liquor. The resort also offers unique amenities, such as a kids' lounge with video and arcade games, an ice skating rink, free bike rentals, and a wave simulator to test your surfing skills.

Iberostar Grand Bavaro, Dominican Republic

The Iberostar Grand Bavaro golf course was voted the best golf course in the Dominican Republic by the World Golf Awards. That's a good thing, because you can play golf through lakes, deserts and even a waterfall. A practice area and lessons are also available.

For an all-inclusive experience, you must purchase the unlimited golf experience which offers great value for money. It includes unlimited rounds for 7 days, transportation, a golf cart, drinks and snacks, and access to the driving range. Most resort packages that include green fees do not include these extra amenities and it usually ends up costing more than the price of this package.

The adults-only resort is also located in a great location, right on Bavaro Beach, close to Hoyo Azul Cenote, Macao Beach, and Blanca Beach. The resort also offers butler service with suites, a unique bar, and incredible cuisine.

Sandals Regency La Toc, Saint Lucia

Regency La Toc Sandals guests can Access to Cap Estate Golf and Country Club in Saint Lucia close Grande St. Lucian Sandalswhich features a championship-caliber course. Round-trip transportation to Cap Estate is included in your stay, as are unlimited green fees. You can even enjoy complimentary clinics every week on the course.

The Regency La Toc is by far the most luxurious of all the Sandals Resorts in Saint Lucia. This is mainly due to the luxurious accommodations and the beachfront jungle setting. It is home to the Sunset Oceanview Bluff Village, which is a resort within the resort. You can also visit the other two Sandals resorts in St. Lucia to enjoy their amenities.

Half Moon Resort and Spa, Montego Bay

You decide how inclusive you want your Half Moon Resort package to be Montego BayThe resort offers several packages that include golf to some extent. most inclusive option includes unlimited rounds on the championship course, daily breakfast buffet, complimentary golf clinic and use of practice facilities with a four-night stay. You can also create your own package with the Multi-Course Golf Promotion.

The Half Moon course has hosted two PGA Championships and numerous other international golf tournaments. The property hosts series of lessons for those just starting out or looking to improve their game.

Half Moon Resort offers three different accommodations, including Eclipse, Founder's Cove and Rose Hall. Each is tailored to your specific needs, whether you want to be close to the best swimming spots or stay in a luxurious villa. For golfers, Rose Hall is the closest to the Half Moon course.

Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Golf and Spa Resort

Located in western Mexico, Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Resort is a very exclusive golf course, with limited access to Guests from Pueblo Bonito Pacifica and QuiviraIt also has some of the most oceanfront properties of any golf course on the Baja California Peninsula.

The golf course is also set on fantastic sea cliffs, so you'll have the best possible views of the ocean. Green fees aren't included in your all-inclusive package, but this course is well worth the price.

The resort itself was voted the world’s most romantic resort by Travel + Leisure and has won numerous other awards. Although it’s only minutes from downtown Cabo San Lucas, it feels incredibly secluded with private beaches and the surrounding mountains. Not only are all your meals and drinks included, but you also get spa credits to use however you like.

Westin Reserva Conchal, Costa Rica

Golf in Costa Rica is incredibly underrated, with its lush landscapes, rolling terrain, and beautiful beachfront properties. The Westin Reserva Conchal is home to an 18-hole golf course, pictured above, between the Pacific Ocean and thick jungle. You might even be lucky enough to spot a monkey and some exotic birds while playing golf on this course.

The Westin Reserva Conchal golf course is only accessible to resort guests and exclusive members, so it's never too crowded. Golf Experience Packagewhich includes a 4-night stay, two rounds of golf per stay, golf cart rental, practice facilities and a spa credit.

The resort is set on 2,400 hectares of land, which means there are plenty of activities to do and discover the area during your stay. Stroll along the shoreline, get a massage in the gardens, or relax by the lagoon-style pool. The Westin Reserva Conchal also embodies the Costa Rican “pura vida” lifestyle with activities that immerse you in nature and an environmentally friendly approach.

Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Punta Cana

At the Hard Rock Hotel in Punta Cana, you can play golf during the day and party at night. Designed by Jack Nicklaus, Hard Rock 18-hole Championship Golf Course is surrounded by gardens and is over 7,200 feet long. It is located directly across the street from the resort and transportation is included.

The golf course offers a free 20-minute practice session to learn all the basics if it’s your first time. If you’re bringing your kids, under-12s are free to play as much as they like. Finish off your round of golf with drinks and a snack at the Hard Rock Golf Club, as it’s all included in your stay.

At the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, it's all inclusive: food and beverage, live entertainment, poolside service, and spa credit. Hard Rock is all about having a good time, so don't miss out on the entertainment.

This story was produced by and revised and distributed by Stacker Media.




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