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Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton celebrate Casey Wasserman at her 'garish' 50th birthday party

Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton celebrate Casey Wasserman at her 'garish' 50th birthday party


Nancy Pelosi and Bill Clinton were among the VIPs at Hollywood heir Casey Wasserman's massive 50th birthday party, where Imagine Dragons played in a 35,000-square-foot venue and guests dined on Nobu.

But some felt the party was a bit over the top at a time when Tinseltown is struggling overall.

The birthday boy — the grandson of legendary entertainment power broker Lew Wasserman, as well as the chairman of the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic organizing committee — threw the party at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica on Friday.

Casey Wasserman celebrated her 50th birthday with a Hollywood-worthy party. Getty Images
Wasserman, pictured with Max Siegel, is chairman of the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic organizing committee. Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

(According to some sources, Wasserman met his girlfriend, artist Jenny Chandler, while she was a private airline stewardess.)

Wasserman hired planner J. Ben Bourgeois for the event, and we're told 600 to 800 guests packed the venue.

Many expected a repeat of the Hollywood insider's 40th birthday bash, where A-listers including music moguls Irving Azoff and Michael Rapino mingled and Jon Bon Jovi performed.

For its 50th anniversary, Imagine Dragons is taking to the stage, apparently.

Chandler's girlfriends, who reportedly arrived on a party bus, gave nods to fellow guest Jessica Alba, and Alice + Olivia creator Stacey Bendet was also on hand.

Wasserman and Jenny Chandler, with Nancy and Paul Pelosi, at the 2024 Vanity Fair Oscar Party. WireImage for Vanity Fair

There was even a replica of the famous Beverly Hills delicatessen, Nate 'n Al's, which Wasserman dubbed Lew 'n Casey's.

Guests were allowed to take photos with his late grandfather's Oscar, spies said.

Former President Bill Clinton attended Wasserman's party. Swimming pool/ABACA/Shutterstock

But some guests found it all a bit garish as the big celebration approached.

One source complained: “Everyone is talking about how flashy he is… It's in poor taste.”

Hollywood is experiencing an exodus, according to the LA Timesas the entertainment industry continues to struggle to recover from the pandemic as well as recent strikes by actors and writers.

Imagine Dragons performed at the party. Getty Images

“Production has not resumed to pre-strike levels, and everyone who is working is a name. The cast and crew can’t find work. The city still seems frozen, and there are budget cuts and layoffs everywhere,” another Hollywood insider said. “People wouldn’t think [his party] “It would be so loud if the whole city wasn't in conflict,” the source sniffed.

But who in Hollywood doesn't love spending an evening at a flashy party with open bars and a private concert by A-list talent?

Wasserman, who heads Wasserman Media Group, is also a board member of the Motion Picture & Television Fund, which provides entertainment professionals with access to health and social services.




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