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Taiwanese actor Ryan Tang sinks into debt and homelessness

Taiwanese actor Ryan Tang sinks into debt and homelessness
Taiwanese actor Ryan Tang sinks into debt and homelessness


Taiwanese actor Ryan Tang. Photo by Tangs Facebook

Taiwanese actor Ryan Tang. Photo of Tang on Facebook

Chinese press The actor has reportedly been seen over the past month wandering around, speaking incoherently, and appearing frightened when approached. On June 28, he was observed shirtless, displaying an emaciated physique, and acting incoherent when interacting with passersby.

People who spoke with him reported that he had expressed a desire to return to his native Thailand and had repeatedly denied his mother's recent death. A fan offered him a job, a place to live and a medical examination, which he declined.

In the past, Tang had caused disturbances at stores, crashed into other cars and gotten into trouble with the police. He even knelt in front of a radio station to beg for a role in a movie.

According to SinchonTang's mother died on June 3 at the age of 73 in her rental house. However, Tang told police that the deceased was not his mother and did not claim the body for burial. During questioning, he appeared mentally unstable but denied suffering from alcoholism or depression.

Zaobao According to reports, his management company has been trying to reach him daily. Tang has refused his company's offers of medical help, saying he has no health problems. The company said it has contacted the Ministry of Health, judicial authorities, the Performing Arts Association and other relevant organizations for help.

“For now, Tang’s work is on hold,” they said. “We hope everyone can give him the time and space to adjust.”

The company also advanced him payment for two guest roles he filmed and acknowledged that many fans have expressed a desire to donate money to help him, though it has not yet decided whether to accept donations.

Singaporean News Media 8 days Tang's mother's body is reportedly in a funeral home. If the body is not claimed by July 8, the home will hold the funeral as an “unclaimed body.” The company is trying to retrieve the body for the funeral, but is facing difficulties as local laws require that only blood relatives can retrieve the body of a deceased person.

Tang, 46, began his career as a model before devoting himself to acting. He has appeared in more than 20 films and television series, including major roles in “The Hospital,” “Hana Kimi” and “Tokyo Juliet.”

He has struggled with alcoholism for years, has no significant assets and currently owes three months' rent and debts to friends. His most recent project was a guest role on a series about Taiwan Yes, you have a television. chain, but he was replaced so he could focus on solving his personal problems.




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