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Game of Thrones actor Joffrey cast in The Sandman season 2


Netflix revealed a series of cast members who have joined The Sandman for its second season. Among them, a new villain role for Jack Gleesonwho memorably played the evil King Joffrey in the HBO television series Game Of Thrones.

Season 2 of The Sandman will feature Gleeson as Puck, a goblin character featured in the original comics. Other newcomers in Season 2 include Anne Skelly (The Nevers), Clive Russell (Game Of Thrones), Douglas Booth (Jupiter's Ascendance), Freddie Fox (The War Ministry without a Gentleman), India Moore (Moon Girl and Dinosaur Devi), Laurence O'Fountain (The Witcher: Blood Origin), Ruairi O'Connor (Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It), And Steve Coogan (Despicable Me franchise).



The Sandman's Endless Seven, Ranked by Power

The Endless Seven are incredibly powerful, but even then, some are stronger than their siblings.

Character details have been revealed for the new cast members, Gleeson plays Puck“a malevolent goblin who serves as the royal jester to King Auberon of Faerie. Puck is fascinated by mortals and enjoys nothing more than mocking them for his own amusement.” Another newcomer, Fox to play chaos god Lokidescribed as “a charming and seductive shapeshifter. The smartest and most dangerous person in the room, Loki is utterly irresistible and never to be trusted.”

O'Connor plays Orpheusthe only child of Dream and his muse, Calliope. Orpheus is “an idealistic and romantic young man—and very much his father's son—until tragedy strikes and reveals to him the true nature of love.” O'Fuarain is the storm god, Thorwho wields the hammer Mjollnir. He is described as “brusque, crude, and driven entirely by his appetites—for food and drink, for battle and for sex.”


How The Sandman Paid Tribute to One of the Greatest Storytellers of All Time

Neil Gaiman's “A Midsummer Night's Dream,” based on The Sandman, is a masterpiece of storytelling and art that pays magnificent homage to the bard.

Russell plays OdinLoki's blood brother and Thor's father. Odin is a “longtime ally of Dream, but finds himself pushed to desperate extremes in his efforts to stave off Ragnarök.” Moore was cast to play Wanda“A professional driver and security guard for an exclusive travel agency. Wanda proves to be an indispensable guide on a never-ending road trip to the waking world.” Coogan does a voiceover role as the voice of Barnabas“The canine companion of the Lord's prodigal brother. Barnabas is loyal and loving, but an avowed cynic. He is man's best friend and his sharpest critic.”

In the meantime, Skelly and Booth play Nuala and Cluracan respectively.“Royal emissaries of the Faerie court. Nuala and Cluracan are siblings who are opposites in every way. Nuala is responsible, empathetic, and principled. Cluracan is an impulsive rogue who lives for pleasure. They disagree on everything except their devotion to each other.”

Returning cast members for season 2 revealed

Returning cast for season 2 of The Sandman Newcomers for season 2 include Tom Sturridge, Kirby, Mason Alexander Park, Donna Preston, Patton Oswalt, Vivienne Acheampong, Gwendoline Christie, Jenna Coleman, Ferdinand Kingsley, Stephen Fry, Asim Chaudhry, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Vanesu Samunyai and Razane Jammal. Other newcomers for season 2 include Esmé Creed-Miles as Delirium, Adrian Lestera as Destiny and Barry Sloane as The Prodigal, aka Destruction.

Season 2 of The Sandman does not yet have a premiere date.

Source: Netflix




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