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Sidharth Malhotra Fan Scammed Of Rs 50 Lakh By Actor's Fan Page; Scammed Into Believing 'Sid's Life Was In Danger Because Of Kiara Advani' |

Sidharth Malhotra Fan Scammed Of Rs 50 Lakh By Actor's Fan Page; Scammed Into Believing 'Sid's Life Was In Danger Because Of Kiara Advani' |


A fan of the Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra did shocking things allegations about a fan page the actor appears to follow.
In a series of tweets, the fan claims that she was cheated of Rs 50 lakhs by the admins of the popular fan page. The fan, Minoo Vasudeva, who resides in the US, claims that she was duped by two individuals – Aliza and Husna Parveen – who fabricated stories that the actor's life was in danger. Interestingly, the person was led to believe that the actor was in trouble because of his wife, Kiara Advani.
In a series of unverified tweets, the allegations were made by a woman named Minoo via social media posts on X with the handle @desi_girl334. Vasudeva claimed that Aliza and Husna Parveen, the admins of a Sidharth fan page, had told him that “Kiara forced him to marry her by threatening to kill his family.” Along with making other wild allegations, he was also made to believe that the actress “performed black magic on him.”
In a note posted online, she also claimed that Sid had lost all access to his bank account. “Aliza asked me to help her ‘save Sid’,” she said and according to Vasudeva, the scammers further manipulated her by connecting her with a supposed member of Sidharth’s PR team, Deepak Dubey (@magical_master_of_mumbai) who then introduced her to an informant in Kiara’s team, Radhika (@sidharthdefender), who allegedly provided inside information on the couple’s every move. “I paid them a weekly fee to get inside information and speak with Sid,” she said and went on to detail, “The fake Deepak and I negotiated a weekly fee of INR 1,000/week to get inside information from him.” Also, I gave 500 INR bonuses to talk to Sid, who I now realized was not the real Sid.
She also shared screenshots of the “fake” conversations she had with the actor, who even thanked her for the basket he received.

Vasudeva shared many screenshots of her interactions with the accused, which included fake stories, gift hampers and pictures purportedly from Sidharth's house. In her note, she also said, “Expenditure was incurred to save Sid from death or torture. All this resulted in a loss of Rs 50 Lakhs.”

She concluded her post by demanding justice, writing, “Honestly, my money was stolen for wrong reasons… I WANT it back. I know I said no at first, but Sid… If possible, please order these women to return the stolen money. But more than that, I want justice for every innocent fan who was cheated by these women in the name of Sidharth Malhotra. If they do NOT agree to return the money, then Sid, meri jaan, my beloved, I trust you will give them the punishment they deserve.”
The post sparked outrage among fans who tried to help the girl by sharing her posts and tagging the actor to draw his attention to the alleged scam. It is unclear whether the woman contacted the police to resolve the matter.
So far, there has been no reaction from Sidharth or fan @sidmalhotra.updates.

Paparazzi Calls Kiara Advani 'Bhabhiji'; Watch Sidharth Malhotra's Reaction




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