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Horizon actor Michael Rooker blames weak box office on audiences unaccustomed to real cinema


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Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 Actor Michael Rooker has lashed out at audiences following the poor box office performance of Kevin Costner's epic western, saying he's not used to real cinema.

Rooker, 69, plays Sergeant Major Riordan in the new film. He is best known for his appearances as Merle Dixon in The Walking Dead and as Yondu Udonta in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.

In an interview with TMZ At Los Angeles International Airport, Rooker was asked about HorizonThe film had a lackluster performance at the box office last weekend, where it only grossed $11 million on a $100 million budget.

“This is real cinema, guys, so get ready,” Rooker said. “We're not used to this kind of crap, you know? We're used to 90-minute movies. Everything's 90 minutes long. Come on, leave me alone. Drop this crap. Let's watch a movie that actually tells a story, where you learn about people and you end up loving them or hating them. It's not just quick edit, edit, edit.”

When asked if contemporary audiences have lost their attention spans due to TikTokification, Rooker replied: Absolutely, yes. Of course they are. They need to get over this bullshit. Come on. They need to learn what it’s like to watch real cinema.

Rooker added that Costner is brilliant in this film, that he's a brilliant director. In a nod to the film's three-hour running time, Rooker advised: Stop whining, go see the movie. You'll enjoy it. Go to the bathroom before you go.

Michael Rooker plays Sergeant Major Riordan Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1
Michael Rooker plays Sergeant Major Riordan Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Horizonwhich Costner directed, co-wrote and stars in, is set to be a four-part Western drama spanning 15 years amid the American Civil War.

The film also stars Sienna Miller, Jamie Campbell Bower, Ella Hunt and Sam Worthington.

Speaking to the press after the premiere screening, Costner revealed that he had mortgaged one of his four properties in order to finance the film. Yellowstone The alumnus said he was set to spend $98 million of his own money on the first three films, and by the time he finished the fourth, he would have spent more than $100 million.

Critics have called the film the most boring cinematic project. In a two-star review for The IndependentGeoffrey McNab wrote: The first chapter of Kevin Costner's four- or maybe even five-part cowboy epic is the cinematic equivalent of a three-hour ride through a Western theme park. If you're a fan of Stetsons, stirrups and six-shooters and have a lot of patience, you might enjoy the experience. But there's a lot of waiting before you actually get in the saddle.




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