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Remember the actor who played young Hrithik Roshan in Krrish? He's now a doctor | Bollywood


Mickey Dhamijani, who played the young Hrithik Roshan in the 2006 film Krrish, is no more an actor. Almost 20 years after the film’s release, Mickey recently shared a video on Instagram, reflecting on his journey from actor to eye surgeon. Yes, the former actor is now a doctor! (Also read | The superhero universe from Krrish to HanuMan: Is it time for Indian cinema to explore the genre?)

Mickey Dhamijani poses with Hrithik Roshan on the sets of Krrish in old pictures.
Mickey Dhamijani poses with Hrithik Roshan on the sets of Krrish in old pictures.

Actor who played Hrithik Roshan in Krrish shares his message

The video starts with Mickey sitting on a chair with eye drops in his hand. The words in the clip read, “Patients: I have seen you before.” The video then shows clips of Krrish featuring Mickey. Several old pictures also show him posing with Hrithik and Rakesh Roshan as they smile at the camera.

Mickey talks about his nearly two-decade journey

Sharing the clip, Mickey wrote a lengthy note: “Have you seen me yet? (Eyes emoji) Oh, of course I have! I had the incredible opportunity to play Jr. Krrish and work alongside a super talented cast in a film that I absolutely loved being a part of. (Folded hands emoji). My journey from child actor to eye surgeon has been nothing short of incredible.”

He also added, “This transition has been filled with wonderful experiences and incredible learnings that have shaped me into the person I am today (shining star and clap emoji). The lessons I learned from my acting years continue to inspire my work in eye care, and I am grateful for every step of this unique journey. Now I could be a superhero for your eye care (relieved face emoji).”

About Krrish

Krrish is a 2006 superhero film directed and produced by Rakesh Roshan. The film stars Hrithik Roshan in a dual role as father and son. It also stars Priyanka Chopra, Naseeruddin Shah, Rekha, Sharat Saxena and Manini Mishra. A sequel to Koi Mil Gaya (2003), it is the second installment in the Krrish franchise.

Hrithik's next film

Hrithik is currently gearing up for War 2, directed by Ayan Mukerji. It will also star NTR Jr. The actors recently wrapped up the first shoot of the film in Mumbai. The film is a sequel to the 2019 action thriller War, which starred Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor. According to reports, the film also stars Kiara Advani and is expected to release next year. However, an official announcement regarding the entire cast of the film and the release date is awaited.




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