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Singer-actor Rain returns as bodyguard in Disney+ series 'Red Swan'


Actors Jung Ji-hoon, left, and Kim Ha-neul pose during a press conference for the new Disney+ original series “Red Swan” at Conrad Seoul in Yeouido, southwest Seoul, on Tuesday. Courtesy of Walt Disney Company Korea

Actors Jung Ji-hoon, left, and Kim Ha-neul pose during a press conference for the new Disney+ original series “Red Swan” at Conrad Seoul in Yeouido, southwest Seoul, on Tuesday. Courtesy of Walt Disney Company Korea

By Lee Gyu-lee

Singer-actor Jung Ji-hoon, also known as Rain, is returning to the small screen with the new Disney+ original series “Red Swan,” two years after starring as the lead in tvN’s medical comedy series “Ghost Doctor.”

The action-romance series, set to premiere Wednesday, revolves around former world-class golfer Oh Wan-soo (Kim Ha-neul), who married a member of the wealthy family that owns the Hwain Group, and bodyguard Seo Do-yoon (Jung), who comes to work for the group to investigate his friend's death.

Oh left her career after marrying the group's heir and runs the group's charitable foundation. One day, she narrowly escapes an assassination attempt with Seo's help at a foundation event in Manila, Philippines. When she finds herself targeted by death threats, Oh uncovers the chaebol family's dark secrets with Seo.

The 10-part series is directed by Park Hong-kyun, who helmed the hit series “Queen Seondeok” (2009) and “The Greatest Love” (2011).

“I’ve been a fan of Director Park since I was young. There were a few opportunities to work together in the past, but unfortunately, none of them came to fruition. And with Kim, I also said that she and I would do a project at some point, and we finally got the chance to work together,” Jung said at a press conference for the series at Conrad Seoul in Yeouido, southwest of Seoul, on Tuesday.

“When I read the script, I realized I didn’t have much to do. (My character) didn’t have much dialogue. But he had to make a strong, impactful impression. So I made an effort to set the tone, starting with focusing on vocal exercises.”

A scene from the series “Red Swan” / Courtesy of Walt Disney Company Korea

A scene from the series “Red Swan” / Courtesy of Walt Disney Company Korea

Jung plays a former police officer turned bodyguard who previously served as a presidential security detail with expertise in martial arts.

The director revealed that Jung filmed much of the action scenes himself, performing the stunts without a stunt double.

“Jung is a master in action scenes. So it was more comfortable and easier to work on this series, compared to the action scenes in previous works. For the action scenes, we alternate with a stunt double, and the challenges are various, but Jung has practically mastered this, so viewers can expect great results,” the director said.

“Jung is a delicate actor who knows how to express his emotions perfectly… Seo is an important character. But since he is not the central character of the Hwain family, I was worried that his influence would not be as important in terms of the flow of his story and the delivery of his lines. But Jung overcame this worry with his excellent acting skills.”

Kim said she was drawn to the romance between the bodyguard and the client. “I really liked the movie ‘The Bodyguard.’ So it’s interesting to see such a plot. And since various events happen in this plot, I was curious as I read about various stories happening in each episode. I felt like I was being sucked into the storyline as I read it,” she said.




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