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5 Unforgettable Bollywood Cameos That Left Us Hungry



Lights, camera, action! Buckle up, movie lovers, for a wild ride through Bollywood's most unforgettable cameos that left us wanting more. These one-off appearances are the spice of cinema, sprinkling stardust on scenes that will stay etched in our memories forever. From star-studded surprises to hilarious moments, here are five cameos that stole the show and our hearts.

Juhi Chawla in “Andaz Apna Apna”

Remember when the ever charming Juhi Chawla appeared in the wacky world of Andaz Apna Apna? In a dream sequence that had us grinning from ear to ear, Juhi played herself as the superstar, asking Aamir Khan's character Amar to help her ride a bike. As Amar, who adored her, was about to marry the starlet, we were treated to his hilarious and heartfelt statement: “I accept your body, my man and your money.” And let's not forget Govinda's cameo as Juhi's co-star in the same sequence. With their outrageous antics and infectious chemistry, this dream was a comedy goldmine.

Salman Khan in 'Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani'

Salman Khan, or should we say Sallu, passed through here An incredible love story to give us one of the film's most hilarious moments. When Jenny (Katrina Kaif) calls him into a cafe for an autograph, Prem (Ranbir Kapoor) is left shaking. Salman's deadpan response, “Hey, you sound like you're talking to me about your girlfriend,” had us rolling down the aisles. Salman's calm and collected demeanor contrasted with Prem's awkward nervousness, making this cameo an instant classic.

Kapil Dev in 'Mujhse Shaadi Karogi'

Cricket legend Kapil Dev has graced the Bollywood screens several times, but his appearance in Would you marry me? is an easy title to beat. Sharing the frame with Salman Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Akshay Kumar, Kapil’s appearance at a cricket stadium was both unexpected and delightful. His Punjabi-accented dialogue delivery added a unique charm to the scene and with fellow cricketers Harbhajan Singh, Irfan Pathan, Ashish Nehra and Navjot Singh Sidhu joining him, it was a cricket-Bollywood crossover we didn’t know we needed.

Akshay Kumar in “Om Shanti Om”

Farah Khan's love letter to Bollywood, Om Shanti Om, features a myriad of cameos, but Akshay Kumar's appearance is pure cinematic brilliance. Playing an action star in the fictional film The Return of the KhiladiAkshay’s character is a cross between gunfighter Rajinikanth and his own character Khiladi. In an outrageous action sequence at an imaginary Filmfare Awards ceremony, he chews bullets, turns them into bombs and creates a dreamlike set. His gun-handling antics are so outrageous that they defy description. Akshay’s cameo wasn’t just a scene; it was a cultural reset.

Ranbir Kapoor in 'PK'

PK The film ended on a poignant note with the farewell of Aamir Khan's alien character. But director Raju Hirani added a delightful twist with the appearance of Ranbir Kapoor. As PK returns to Earth, he brings with him a new alien colleague, played by Ranbir. Emerging from a spaceship in all his bewildered glory and bulging eyes, Ranbir's expressions of fear and curiosity are priceless. It's a moment of pure cinematic joy, leaving us wishing for a sequel where Ranbir's alien navigates our strange world.

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