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6 Bollywood Celebrities Who Do Pilates To Stay Fit And Healthy


Pilates can improve flexibility and overall well-being. Here are 6 Bollywood celebrities who do Pilates to stay fit.

A rigorous workout routine can leave you feeling tired and reluctant to exercise. But imagine a workout that combines traditional strength-training exercises with the fluidity of dance. That’s exactly what Pilates does. Whether performed on a mat or on specialized equipment, Pilates offers a versatile, full-body workout to improve the body and mind. But this low-impact exercise isn’t just a trend for fitness enthusiasts; it’s also a staple in Bollywood actresses’ fitness routines. From Alia Bhatt and Deepika Padukone to Kareena Kapoor Khan, Bollywood beauties have embraced the power of Pilates to improve their physique and overall well-being. Here are six Bollywood celebrities who are doing Pilates to stay healthy and fit.

What is Pilates?

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that has several health benefits. It follows a series of standard exercises, focusing on precise movements, controlled breathing, and muscle engagement to improve muscle tone and stability. Unlike yoga, which emphasizes the mind-body connection, Pilates places a greater emphasis on improving core strength through structured exercises. It can be practiced using a variety of equipment, including resistance bands, reformers, foam rollers, barrels, bars, mats, or blankets. Pilates can help improve posture and flexibility, relieve pain, improve balance and coordination, and improve overall mental well-being. A study published in Muscle, Ligament and Tendon Journal claims that Pilates uses a combination of repetitive exercises to create muscular effort and develop endurance.

Bollywood Celebrities Who Do Pilates To Stay Fit

Here are some celebrities who are doing Pilates to transform their fitness:

1. Alia Bhatt

Alia Bhatt is ruling the Hindi film industry. From her comeback in the Poo era with her film Student Of The Year to winning the National Award for her performance in Gangubai Kathiawadi, the actress has etched her name in the hearts of millions. Apart from her stellar performances, she is also known for her fitness. She often posts glimpses of her fitness sessions on social media, attributing her lean and strong physique to Pilates. Her trainer Yasmin Karachiwala has come up with a solid regimen for Alia, which helps her stay in tip-top shape for her demanding roles.

Health Shots recommends: Pilates or Yoga: Which is Right for You?

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2. Deepika Padukone

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone, who is expecting her first child with husband Ranveer Singh, is an avid Pilates enthusiast. She regularly follows a rigorous fitness routine, which includes Pilates formulated by her trainer, Yasmin Karachiwala. She has adopted Pilates as a regular practice to improve her core, flexibility and strength. There is no doubt that Deepika's dedication to her workout regime and diet is the secret to her fitness.

3. Kareena Kapoor Khan

Apart from redefining fashion with her character Poo in Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham, Kareena Kapoor Khan often stuns her fans with her workouts. The 43-year-old actress gives a tough competition to her counterparts when it comes to fitness. She is a true Pilates enthusiast and her trainer Namrata Purohit often shares glimpses of her workout routines on social media platforms. To improve her core strength, arm muscles and tone her body, Kareena focuses on a mix of Pilates exercises including mat exercises and equipment-based Pilates exercises. In fact, her transformation and fitness journey has been an inspiration to millions of women in their 40s.

Read also : Veteran Actress Helen Is Doing Pilates At 85! Find Out If It's Safe

4. Sara Ali Khan

The transformation journey of Pataudi princess and Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan is an inspiration and motivation. She bravely fought PCOS and reduced her weight from 96 kilos to 45 kilos by following a rigorous workout regime, which included Pilates. She is one of the celebrities who regularly practice Pilates to stay ahead of the fitness game. Under the guidance of her trainer, Namrata Purohit, Sara incorporates a mix of Pilates exercises in her workout routine to improve her flexibility and strength. Undoubtedly, her fitness journey is proof that adopting a healthy lifestyle can improve your overall health.

Read also : 8 Ways to Improve Your Pilates Practice and Get Better Results

5. Janhvi Kapoor

Following in her mother's (Sridevi) footsteps, Janhvi Kapoor is known for her dedication to fitness. The actress swears by Pilates to improve her overall health and well-being. It has helped her develop a strong core, improve her posture and flexibility. Janhvi, under the guidance of celebrity trainer Namrata Purohit, performed a single-leg deadlift on the reformer, which strengthens your muscles, improves core strength, improves balance and establishes a deeper mind-body connection.

Janhvi Kapoor swears by Pilates to stay fit. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.

6. Malaika Arora

How can we not mention the OG Malaika Arora when it comes to fitness? She is synonymous with fitness and her age-defying looks are the result of a well-balanced fitness and diet regime. Apart from being a yoga pro, the diva swears by Pilates to maintain her flexibility, strength and toned physique. From mat exercises to machine Pilates, she adopts different exercise techniques to improve her overall fitness.

Read also : 5 Effective Pilates Reformer Exercises for a Full Body Workout

What are the benefits of Pilates?

First introduced by Joseph Pilates, an advocate of physical education, Pilates may offer several health benefits.

1. Improves body awareness

Pilates emphasizes controlled movements, precise alignment, and conscious breathing. This allows you to focus on how your body moves and feels during exercises. It promotes a deeper connection between mind and body, which leads to greater movement efficiency, improved posture, and improved flexibility. According to the journal, Sports healthThe concept of mind over matter is an important element of this exercise, which helps improve body awareness.

2. Strengthens the core

Pilates incorporates shoulder and hip belts to strengthen the core and emphasizes posture as an integrated, whole-body activity, according to a study published in Sports healthCore muscles, including the abdominals, back, and pelvic floor, are an important part of Pilates. By strengthening these muscles, Pilates helps improve posture, reduce pain, and improve stability.

3. Improves flexibility

Pilates involves a series of stretching exercises that help improve flexibility. Exercises like controlled muscle stretches can help improve flexibility and joint mobility. They help maintain a certain range of motion, allowing you to move freely and comfortably.

4. Improves posture

Good posture is essential for overall health and practicing Pilates can help maintain it. By focusing on alignment and strengthening the core, Pilates can help relieve back and neck pain and contribute to better posture.

5. Reduces stress

In addition to its physical benefits, Pilates can also help improve mental well-being. It can help reduce stress and promote mental clarity. A study published in the journal, Social and behavioral sciences claims that Pilates can help improve mindfulness and body awareness through its breathing exercises and controlled movements.




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